Trying to follow up on that abortion of journalism by Jennifer Liberto,
 I sent her a very friendly e-mail asking her to please explain herself.
 I got an e-mail from her roommate saying she was "on vacation."

 How convenient.

 A week later, I called her home number (she sent it while courting me)
 and the man she's living with said he'd have her call me "right back."

 But she has failed to call.
 I wonder if she's afraid or too ashamed to speak to me...
 I mean, just a couple of weeks ago I was her favorite guy on the entire www,
 and now she's too scared or too ashamed to speak with me?

 Then I got in a bad mood and fired off a Number Six letter to Chairman and Brothelmaster  David Talbot
 The letter included language not suitable for this page.

 Why did I do that?

 Most struggling websites would be happy to have their name mentioned five goddamn times
 by the 640th largest site on the www. (by comparison, the vulgar Pigboy is ranked 3,358
 and lowly  is a mere 34,431.) but this was different, and I thought a little outrage
 would prove that I wasn't pleased about the "publicity" the Liberto woman had provided.

 Mr Talbot responded that I had "an ugly misogynistic streak. Clean up your act."

 ha ha

 This guy runs
 I doubt he could run the debate club at Immaculate Conception Primary School in Muncie.

 But then, losing millions of dollars every month while desperately grabbing for that easy
 ditto-monkey dollar probably puts a strain on a man who was once reputable, but that's a guess.
 Maybe Dave didn't learn the lesson from Judas Maximus and Pat Caddell, that when you abandon
 your core beliefs to chase that easy ditto-monkey dollar, nobody trusts you again.
 I know I'll never trust Salon again, and the Freepers never will never trust them,
 so what did they gain by turning ditto-whore?

 So we are unveiling a new feature here at - the Jennifer Liberto watch.

 I want to critique every article this "journalist" writes the rest of her life.
 The first person to send me anything Liberto writes (from now on) gets their pick
 of any item from the BartCop Store or 100 minutes of free BartCop Long Distance.

 Latest Update:
 Rumor has it Liberto is, in her words, "no longer a journalist."
 When I heard that, I thought - was she ever?

 So maybe the lying tart is history, but if she has anything else published
 somebody can still get a free t-shirt or coffee mug.

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