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Subject: thoughts on Gerald Ford

Former President Gerald Ford died last night. I'm sure there will be a lot
of tributes to him, but he was a putz who was at best not bright enough to
do the job and at worst complicit in things like the Indonesian invasion of
East Timor, covering up the crimes of Richard Nixon to the extend we'll
never know just how dirty that White House was, was on the Warren 
Commission (where he altered the first report making the "magic bullet" 
theory seem more sensible), gave Cheney and Rumsfeld their first appointments
into the White House, mishandled the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam,
and put George Bush in charge of the CIA (giving us the long legacy of Bush 
relatedforeign policy criminal actions).

At a time when the country desperately needed leadership, Ford gave us sand*. 
He presaged the current Republican response to middle class financial trouble 
by responding to energy problems and rampant inflation with buttons and a 
stupid slogan rather than any sort of legislation.

Too bad we'll hear about what a wonderful healer he was after Watergate,
when the truth is, he swept the last few chances to really punish the bastards 
who were in charge of it under the rug so that the low level grunts were the 
ones who took the fall.

Oh, and after he left the Presidency, he played a lot of golf and watched football. 
I think Jimmy Carter did a bit more with his post-Presidency, but Carter is 
thought of as a failure and a bigot if you watch the mainstream news anymore.

Ford was a putz who left the world in much worse shape than he got it, which
was pretty hard to do since he was only in charge for two years. But I liked
his wife and he was decent to his kids.

BTW. the real reason I hate him? If it weren't for him, Chevy Chase wouldn't
have been the breakout star first year of Saturday Night Live, and would have 
been hanging out with Lorraine Neumann in the 80's instead of polluting movie 
screens. Please make a note of it.

*What I mean by sand is from this quote:

People want leadership, Mr. President, and in the absence of genuine leadership, 
they'll listen to anyone who steps up to the microphone. They want leadership. 
They're so thirsty for it they'll crawl through the desert toward a mirage, and when 
they discover there's no water, they'll drink the sand.

President Andrew Shepherd: Lewis, we've had presidents who were beloved, 
who couldn't find a coherent sentence with two hands and a flashlight. 
People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand
because they don't know the difference.

Cory!! Strode,
The Best Dressed Man In Comics


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