That it's too rich to kill. That the apparent truth is
too dull to repeat. That even as fiction it tells us
something important.
Word is that Democratic presidential candidate Al
Gore once bragged that the main characters in
"Love Story" were based on him and his wife, but
the author denies it.
Dozens of readers wrote to remind me of this
example of Gore's vain, delusional dishonesty after
my column Tuesday explained why the "Gore
claims he invented the Internet" fable unjustly
maligns the vice president. OK, they said, so even
if he was the leading political figure in the
transformation of the Internet from a tool for
eggheads to an enormous economic and cultural
force, he still lied about "Love Story" didn't he?
This old tale, so much easier to grasp than most
policy disputes, seems likely to play a role in the fall
campaign. Accordingly, the time seems right for a
full review and clarification: Was Gore's remark a
brag? Not at all, said New York Times political
writer Rick Berke, one of the two reporters present
at the informal, late-night conversation on Air Force
Two in November 1997, when Gore mentioned his
connection to Erich Segal's 1970 lugubrious tale of
Ivy League romance. Segal was a visiting faculty
member at Harvard in the mid-1960s when Gore
was a student there, and the two were acquainted.
"[Gore] wasn't definitive," Berke told me. "It was
more like someone told him or he'd read
somewhere" that the protagonist, Oliver Barrett III,
was modeled after Gore, and Barrett's girlfriend,
Jenny, was modeled after Gore's college girlfriend
(now wife), Tipper. "I didn't even think to write
about it."
The other reporter present, Time magazine's Karen
Tumulty, did. Deep in a profile published the next
month, Tumulty described Gore spending "two
hours swapping opinions about movies [with
reporters] and telling stories about old chums like
Erich Segal, who, Gore said, used Al and Tipper as
models for the uptight preppy and his free-spirited
girlfriend in `Love Story.'"
Was it true? No. In the media frenzy that followed,
Segal issued what was more a clarification than a
denial: The Oliver character was actually a
combination of Gore and his friend, actor Tommy
Lee Jones. Jenny was not based on Tipper.
But, just as Berke said, Gore didn't offer the
connection as fact, as the Time article had implied.
Gore "said Segal had told some reporters in
Tennessee that [the book] was based on him and
Tipper," Tumulty told Melinda Henneberger of the
New York Times. "He said `All I know is that's
what [Segal] told reporters in Tennessee.'"
Segal told Henneberger that a writer for the
Nashville Tennessean had "just exaggerated" the
connection to Gore in an article shortly after the
publication of "Love Story." "Time thought it was
more piquant to leave that out," Segal said.
I wanted to see that old article from the
Tennessean, figuring that the 1970 misquote would
establish that Gore had been truthful in 1997 when
referencing "Love Story." Tuesday, I asked the
Gore campaign in Nashville and the Democratic
National Committee for a copy. As they looked
without success, Tribune researcher Colleen
Vander Hye was exploring numerous avenues with
a counterpart at the Nashville paper, where political
editor Frank Gibson helped search old clipping
files. "Nothing so far," Gibson told me late Friday.
"But that doesn't mean it's not here. The old filing
system isn't perfect by any means."
And neither is human memory--though I will do my
best to remember to tell you in this space if and
when someone produces the source of Gore's
Even if the article never surfaces, the story behind
the "Love Story" aside tells us little about Al Gore:
The main character was, in fact, modeled in part on
him, so it was not unreasonable for him to suppose
that the character's girlfriend was modeled after his
But the persistence of the urban-legend version of
this and the Internet-Al story tell us a lot about
Gore's image problem. People smirkingly pass
them along and never have to say they're sorry
because the legends resonate with a perception of
Gore as the kind of guy who'd proclaim such
foolish lies. The fake stories symbolize real trouble