Letter Eight

>From: swshea@wilmington.net

>Subject: Your "Nazi" comment

>How do you justify calling Rush a Nazi.
>There is nothing funny about something as horrible as a Nazi.

 (I agree.)

>I guess according to the politically correct,
>anyone who disagrees with Socialist Liberal, like yourself-
>Is automatically a Nazi.

(Frankly, yes.
 I'm pro-black rights and pro-gay rights and pro-women's rights.
 If you disagree with me, you are probably a nazi scumbag.)

>Shame on anyone who disagrees with you.

(Yes, that's the long and short of it..
 People who are anti-blacks, anti-gays and anti-women
 are nazi scum and they need to shoot themselves in the head.)

>Shae Stephen, ditto-monkey

ha ha

I knew that.

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