Subject: Here's One for the Wicked Witch of the South
Bartcop --
Just perusing the ol' United States Code and found
the following, which I offer as the meathook by which
someone can figure out how to hang the political
career of Katherine Ambassawhore Harris for her
activities in Florida. I'm forwarding it to you
in hopes that one of your readers somewhere can tell us
if it could apply and, if so, how to get that
bitch indicted. "Interfere with" or "affect" the nomination
sure sounds an awful lot like her arbitrary decision
to not count all the votes. The reference is 18 USC 595.
Of course, there's also 18 USC 371 and 372, dealing
with defrauding
the US and conspiracy, or even 18 USC 2381 --
United States Code
Section 595. Interference by administrative employees
of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative
position by the United States, or by any department or
agency thereof, or by the District of Columbia
or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or by any State,
Territory, or Possession of the United States,
or any political subdivision, municipality, or agency
thereof, or agency of such political subdivision
or municipality (including any corporation owned or
controlled by any State, Territory, or Possession
of the United States or by any such political
subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection
with any activity which is financed in whole or in
part by loans or grants made by the United States,
or any department or agency thereof, uses his official
authority for the purpose of interfering with,
or affecting, the nomination or the election of any
candidate for the office of President, Vice President,
Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of
the House of Representatives, Delegate from the
District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, shall
be fined under this title or imprisoned not more
than one year, or both.
I shall have my attorney research this.
From: No name, please
Subject: Why Gore Might Win the Overseas Absentee Ballots
4,100 overseas ballots had arrived by Tuesday.
Well, as of Monday, there had only been 446 military
ballots returned (presumably they check the postmark
to tell).
I don't think that's the ratio Bush was looking
Rush and his sheep seem to think that all of
overseas ballots are military. Military
could be less
than 20% of the total.
You see, I've had a theory for more than a year
the military leaders have offered incentives
to get
the soldiers and sailors to vote. Maybe
a day off if
a unit hits 100% voting rate. I was in
the army for
four years, and one thing I learned is that they
do everything early.
Most of Bush's military votes are already in.
Who votes from overseas?
Military personnel: Tend to vote Republican, but not quite a slam-dunk. 58-42
Civilian personnel on military bases: Slam-dunk Republican. 65-35
Civilians assigned overseas: Usually fall
into the
Repub demographic, but also a lot of libs like
overseas assignments. I'll guess 50-50
students: 65-35 Gore, but probably heavily
diluted by
Nader. My stereotype of a college student
paints them as very Nader-esque.
Retirees: I'll guess 50-50, but I'm not sure.
Dual citizenship American Jews in Israel.
Would be
75-25 Gore, but that nice Joey Lieberman brings
it to 83-17.
Which groups will be most represented?
What will the real ratios turn out to be?
Tune in on Friday!
I hope they open the envelopes and count them
one at a
time on TV. This could go on past closing
time, so
make sure you have enough of your favorite beverage.
BTW: If I'm right, Rush and the sheep will
freak out.
They'll accuse the "Klintons" of hijacking the
I would give those Jewish voters a little more weight.
We could have us a surprise in those ballots.
Have you seen this?
"Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us"
-- Daddy Bush's Secretary of State, James Baker,
as quoted by Ed Koch in the New York Post, 1992
Subject: International support
Hey Bartcop,
should begin to lobby international leaders to not recognize a Bush administration,
a la
Milosevic. Since he neither will win the popular
vote, and is trying to rig the electoral college to win the
Presidency on a technicality, we should appeal
to the U.N. to help us preserve our democracy.
A side benefit of the U.N. not recognizing Dauphin
Bush as President, would be the stroke
Strom Thrumond and Jesse Helms would have upon
hearing the U.N. resolution.
Just thinking out loud.........
J. Mark Batchelor
That may be going a liiiiiiiittle too far.
I'd rather torture Smirk for four years than tear the country apart.
...just one torturers opinion,
Subject: I Trust "The People"
I hope that someone from the Gore campaign reads
your web site.
I know that you provide a lot of information
that they could use.
My suggestion to them is this:
Whenever the reporters ask about the Florida
situation, he should just say
"I Trust The People."
Nothing more needs to be said. Smirk had his opportunity
to prove that
he trusted The People, but he blew it.
Bob in Oklahoma
Subject: We trust people
During the campaign, Smirk kept saying
"They trust government, we trust people"
Now Gore should say "They trust machines, we trust people"
"Empty suit filing more empty suits"-should be
the description of shrubberies 'un-holy' quest.
There's definitely a "bustle in this hedgerow"
in his rise up the "stairway to ogliarchy".
ha ha
Subject: It ain't up to the Brits
To the subjects of Her Majesty, the Queen of England,
In the light of your failure to prevent us from
kicking you out in the 18th century and doing as we
damn well please, we hereby notify you that you
can keep it down over there before we take notice.
Sure, historically America really doesn't pay
much attention to the rest of the world.
But when someone does catch our eye, we tend
to carpet bomb them to a pre-industrial state.
It may not be right, or fair, but it is a trend.
I suggest you keep it in mind.
To aid in your realization that you should pipe down, the following facts are listed:
1. American English is distinct from British English.
Our aluminum is a lovely silver color, and we
do not 'armour' our tanks, thank you.
2. When you can tell the difference between an
Alabama and Louisiana accent, I'll pay attention to the
difference between a Londoner's and a Yorkshireman's
3. Rather than "God save the Queen" you should
learn "The Battle Hymn of the Republic". After all, if it
weren't for American soldiers you'd speak German
today, twice over. And if it weren't for American
bread, butter, etc., you would have been starving
while we saved your little old island from the Hun.
4. If I were to throw an American football block
on football player, he'd be out of the game and I'd be
ejected. If I were to throw a real tackle on
a rugby player, he'd be maimed. The pads in American football
are to keep you from being crippled or killed.
Just because rugby players tear their ears in a group hug
called a 'scrum' doesn't make them tough. You
want tough? You put your arms in the air while a 320 lbs.
man slams into you at a dead sprint and still
catch the ball, that's tough.
5. If you can't settle the French's hash, find
someone else.
After all, they have lost to everyone *but* the
British this century.
6. The irony of a Brit complaining about American
cars is too much.
I've driven British cars and they're like a Hyundai,
but poorly made.
When someone else comes up with an idea as good
as the muscle car, we'll think about it.
We really aren't interested in your opinion.
ha ha
Richard, I enjoyed reading that.
Write some more like that.