Subject: Why I hate the Clintons
- and why you should, too
You understand that there will be no reform under
a Clinton administration?
That's crazy talk - have you been eating
magic mushrooms?
If that's the case, why support her?
You understand that Godzilla will eat you tomorrow.
If that's the case, why not send me all your
If it comes down the Guiliani v Edwards or Guiliani
v Obama, Guliani will lose.
There is so much shit on that guy. The fireman
will take him on. The rescue workers will take him on.
The Catholic Church will take him on. Donna Hanover
and Judith Regan will take him on.
And the fundamentalist right will abandon him.
So why not back a Dem reformer?
Why gamble with a pair of Tens when you can gamble
with a pair of Queens?
I see Hillary as the stronger hand - you don't,
we disagree.
I'm still thinking Edwards is the guy. An Edwards/Obama
ticket would be fabulous.
They would represent real change. Who wants to
give Limbaugh and O'Reilly another
four or eight years of material ...a rehash of
Lewinsky, travelgate and the rest of their B.S.
Enough already!
You think Limbaugh and O'Reilly will play nice if Edwards is the nominee?
Are you kidding?
They will "fag" Edwards to death, like they already have.
Too Bad Gore and Kerry chose not to fight? Too
bad Scalia and Slappy were appointed to the Court.
Too bad James Carville stabbed Kerry in the back
in an effort to ensure another Clinton presidency.
That's crazy talk.
Son of a bitch sold the country down the river
so he could retain power.
If the Bush/Cheney crowd stay in power, Mary
is employed, and four years later he gets back
in the game with another Clinton. I cannot stand
that son-of-a-bitch and his stupid Meet the Press
dog and pony show with Matalin. He looks like
a maniac and I have no doubt he behaves like one too.
So, this is personal - you just don't like the way the
man looks.
Why didn't Gore and Kerry fight?
Why didn't Clinton pursue the criminal behavior
of the Reagan and Bush administrations?
How can you attack Gore and Kerry and excuse
Gore and Kerry promised they'd fight until the end, but instead, they
surrendered early.
Clinton's "crime" was not seeing into the future.
You think Clinton's "crime" was worse.
I disagree.
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