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Subject: Twenty Questions for Mamie Van Doren

11. Who had a bad reputation but turned out to be the perfect gentleman?

Howard Hughes.

12. Who was thought to be a gentleman, but turned out to be a cad?

Too many to name.

 Mamie being held by The Squire of Gothos

13. Who was great in bed - but not worth all the drama?

Steve Cochran.  He played gangsters and heavies and tough cops. 
I  played opposite him in two movies.  A damn good actor. 
And I shared him with Mae West.  (She had good taste too.)

14. What's your best beauty secret? You look great in your recent photos!

Thanks.  I drink a quart of tequila a day, eat two chocolate cakes a week, and never sleep. 
Okay, seriously, I must have accumulated very good karma in my lifetime.  I have a good genetic heritage, 
and I've been lucky enough to have some very happy times.  I get lots of  sleep, drink plenty of water, 
and watch my diet.  I never drink booze, but have an occasional beer or glass of wine.

15. You must have a juicy Elvis story or two - care to share?

Elvis came to see me at the Rivera hotel in Las Vegas.  He had just  seen me in The All American with Tony Curtis. 
Then he saw me in Untamed Youth.  My gowns were all see-through with back lighting  onstage.  Sitting with him 
alone in his Caddy one night, he asked me  if I wore anything under my gowns.  When I said no, he pounded the 
steering wheel, "I knew you didn't! I knew it!"   That turned him on.   Size: average.  Isn't everyone's?

16. Which boyfriend looked in the mirror more than you?  :)

Joe Namath. He was so vain he had a mirror over his bed.

                 Mamie with Rock Hudson

17. When you published your autobiography, did any of your old boyfriends contact you or throw a fit?

Not one.  I wrote the truth.  Bo Belinsky called and said, "Thanks for going easy on me."

18. Tell me about the biggest day/night of your career.

Attending the premiere of The Glen Miller Story with Nicky Hilton. 
It was my first event as Mamie Van Doren and Nicky's first event after divorcing Liz Taylor.

19. Did you ever have a tryst with a politician?  JFK, maybe?

JFK tried after Marilyn's death.  Judy Exner called and asked if I would be interested.  Too bad I didn't give it a go. 
The country would have never been the same.  I dated Henry Kissenger.  After a White House dinner I went to his 
townhouse in Georgetown and he threw me on the (unmade) bed.  I passed.

20. What are your favorite films of all time?

Mrs. Skeffington with Betty Davis; Blade Runner; and Guns, Girls, and  Gangsters (mine).

Thanks, Mamie - it was nice of you to agree to this interview.

The first time I heard from Mamie, she sent this:


Mamie's page

Write to Mamie at

Check out Mamie's wine at

Hardcover - Click  to  Order
Atomic Blonde - the Films of Mamie Van Doren

 DVD - Click to Order
High School Confidential

 VHS - Click to Order
The Navy vs the Night Monsters!

Buy Mamie's autobiography at

 Buy Mamie's wine

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