Subject:  How it adds up

How it adds up...
Bill supported the guy who opposed the guy who supported the war.
Now Bill is supporting the guy who supports the guy who started the war.

You trying to give me a headache?

In the absence of Hillary's plan for extricating U.S. troops from Iraq,

Assumes facts not in evidence. do you know that she represents responsible hands on this issue?

Compared to the current hands I'd say that's a given.

Are you taking it as an article of faith as a member of  the Church of Clinton?

ha ha
Just because I recognize a winner when I see one doesn't mean I worship him/her/them
And why would you claim she has no plans for Iraq?

Remember Nixon in '68? "I have a secret plan to end the war." It was bullshit.
Before the election he sent Kissinger over to secretly negotiate with the No Vietnamese,
causing them to refuse to negotiate with LBJ.   Nixon then won the election, prolonged the war
and finally negotiated the same terms Johnson had offered them....years and thousands of lives later.

She ain't Nixon.

My brother served in that war. My nephew served in this one. I have four more nephews who
are old enough to serve. Simply declaring Hillary "sensible hands" just doesn't cut it for me.
I want to know when and how we are getting the hell out of there.

She's in no position to declare anything until the beginning of her second term.
Do you think we'll get out faster if your vote helps to put another Bushie in the White House?

Jimmy Carter is an ex president and he certainly knows how to apply a sitck to the eye.
For God's sake, Nancy Reagan is an ex first lady, and she too demonstrates her ability to apply
a stick in the eye. Moron's father is less obvious, but still out there putting a stick in his son's eye.

Three retired people with no future - so what's your point?
I wish the people who insist the Clintons are blowing it would post their political resumes.

Witness Brent Skowcroft's condemnation of  W's Iraq policies (stick in the eye by proxy if you will)
as well as his newfound friendship with Bill.

Witness it?
OK, what?
Brent recognizes a loser when he sees one.

If you don't think inviting the Clintons to Kennebunkport doesn't send a message, what does?

Of course it sends a message.
What message did you receive from that gesture?

Bart the longer the media, including Rupert Murdoch, is allowed to tell the American people who the
front runner is, the less chance we have for a true leader to step forward and let him or herself be known.

Oh, we should let Kos tell us our front-runner has no chance?
If someone is a "true leader," they should let that fact be known.

Do you think she gets the job by divine right?

That's a borderline stupid question.
Why would you waste keystrokes on such silliness?

Why shouldn't she have to declare and prove herself?

You want her to run to second base before she touches first.
You are not logical.
She'll declare and prove herself at the proper time.

I ask you to consider this..for a long time folks thought the Kennedy's should just be granted elected
office because they were Kennedy's.  Now they have to earn it, even Ted on occassion.

If Ted was president we wouldn't be in Iraq right now
and 2560 soldiers would've had the chance to spend 4th of July at home.

If Ted's gotta sweat from time to time, then Hilllary has to break a real sweat for any presidential bid.

Mary Anne

The way things are going, she might win without breaking a sweat, but the Clintons are smart.
She'll campaign hard even if she's 15 points ahead in late October.

BTW, have you considered giving cannabis a try?


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