Subject: I AM a Liberal
A famous Democrat was once supposed to have said,
“There’s such a thing as being too proud to fight.”
That was attributed to Woody Wilson after the
Huns torpedoed the Lusitania, and Americans generally
did not appreciate the sentiment. They
wanted blood, dammit. At the next opportunity, we found
ourselves at war with the Kaiser.
We fought, and we won, and we were proud.
Now I see all this ruckus about Hillary.
Does she have too much baggage?
Is she a sell-out Democrat, too cowardly to fight?
Is she a political opportunist, whose ambition
dictates her convictions?
I dunno. But I want a dirty fight this time
I’d like to see our candidate defeat the BFEE
using only the truth, without recourse to Rovian tactics.
But if the truth ain’t getting the job done,
our candidate had better not be too proud to sling mud, lie,
cheat, and steal his or her way into the White
House. If the other guys have fixed the game, it is not cool
to accept that and politely complain later, or
ask the winners to review how they won and get back to us.
If they’re dirty, and we have to get dirty to
win, then we’d better get good and damn dirty.
The other candidates I’ve seen mentioned here
(Feingold, Warner, Clark, etc.) impress me, if I was looking
for a mentor or a date for my sister. But
we gotta win in ’08. Every day that passes with this Administration
in absolute power adds to the burden my son must
carry when he passes into manhood. I can’t stomach
the thought of what this great Nation will have
reduced herself to at the hands of these crooks.
So I’m liking Hillary.
Not because she lacks baggage.
Not because she’s pure.
Not because she sticks to principles over opportunity.
No, I like Hillary because she’ll knife the bastard
who tries to get between her and the Oval Office.
And once she’s there, I believe it will be payback
time. Many a perp will do the walk.
I also believe that she will set to rights many
of the atrocities perpetrated by the BFEE over these
last too many (almost wrote few) years.
I can’t prove that, but I believe it. As do 44% of
Democrats/Leaning Democrats nationwide, according
to the Cook Political
Report/RT Strategies Poll.
She’s not completely to my taste. I have
something of a libertarian streak in me, and I think she wouldn’t
be ideal in that regard. (I would appreciate
being allowed to keep smoking!) But dear sweet Koresh,
if my choices are some of what I want, or none,
I’m a-gonna go with some.
And maybe, after she fights her way through, I’ll
be proud to be a Democrat again.
Mike in WA
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