Subject: The Media and War Fever
Dear Leaders of the Media,
I know that many of you have vested interests
in the status quo (i.e., because you are rich,
you tend to favor Republicans). Still, can't
you see the idiocy of the present Bush-Cheney
Administration? I mean, these morons started
a preemptive war without clear evidence
(no WMD's) against an "enemy" that never attacked
or posed any imminent threat to us.
There is absolutely no proof (and never has been
any) that Saddam Hussein or Iraq was
connected in any way with the 9/11 terrorist
And yet, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush and Condi
Rice and Colin Powell have gotten away
with lying to the world and to the American people.
And the major American media (The New
York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times,
the WSJ) have gone along with and never
really exposed these lying scumbags. That's because
the Beltway media is more concerned with
protecting their "sources" (the lying scumbags)
than they are about telling the truth to the American
people. Sad, but true (and you know it).
Face it, we need more I.F. Stones -- not the David
Broders or the David Brooks or the Ronald
Brownsteins or any of these other middle-of-the-road
wafflers. These people are useless as
truth-tellers. Beltway "wisdom" is the view of
people inside the gates of power. They cannot or
will not see what is really happening inside
our country or beyond it.
The Charles Krauthammers and the Bob Novaks are
the true villains of this Administration's lies.
Without them and people like them, the lies could
not spread so virally. The right-wing media
(FOX, Tim Rutten, Chris Matthews, et al) is just
as responsible for the blood shed in Iraq as
the Bush Administration. They are the ones who
whipped up the "war fever."
The media stands indicted along with the Bush
Administration. And you are all guilty.
D Wyles
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