Dennis Miller (R-makesRushlooklikeAlanAlda) spewed his hate at
the liberals last night.
Somehow, he thinks he can make Nazi hate funny, ...but then,
...I guess Limbaugh did - for some.
I've heard so much Rush I can tell when someone's getting
their material from him.
Of course, Al Michaels (R-ToHitlersright) of MNF got him
started on this,
so I guess when Miller got fired, the vulgar Pigboy turned into
his default Obi Wan.
"That's the problem with the liberals - why NOT try vouchers?"
Gee Dennis, I don't have kids, so child education isn't my strong
suit, but if you allow
60 million families to withdraw funding for public schools, what
do you have left?
"Vouchers" sounds like a "Get out of jail card," for the stupid, but
it's actually a tax deduction
that comes out of the general fund for education, right? The
GOP has been anti-education
since those with a doctorate in education said it was important
to know why you divide
this number by that number. I mean, everyone but Bush can eventually
figure out math,
but I'll bet knowing why this number goes into that number
makes the connection permanent.
Besides, if we took the money Bush is throwing away on his phony
oil war,
we could probably send every kid in America to Notre Dame.
Then he repeated the old Pigboy saw about "Liberals
are against grading school kids.
To them, a "D" is just a "B" without
a belt on," which could be funny if I knew what the
fuck he meant. Since the left doesn't have a voice in this
country, (and I have no kids so I can't
figure it out for myself) what is he talking about? Grades
are important, but do we really need
to brand some first grader "the stupid
kid who got the only "F" in the class?"
Then, as if Rush was holding the cue cards, he goes right into
want to outlaw dodge ball."
Now - as much as I hate bullies, I was never the victim, but
I know if the whole class decides that
"Ahmad" is today's puta, they'll spend the entire 45 minute lunch period
bloodying the poor bastard
with dodge ball body blows from every direction, so banning it
be a good idea - I don't know.
I tell you one thing - since he turned Nazi scumbucket?
If Dennis Miller is for it - I'm against it.
For you newer readers.
I used to really like Dennis Miller.
For years, I called him the "Funniest white
man in America," - but no mo.
He used to do political humor FROM the left,
now he mocks the left.
Does he think we f-ing forgot?
I have tape of him making fun of the whites-only, hate-riddled GOP,
and now he's gone and jumped into bed with
them as if no tape existed of him in the 80's and 90's.
Back to the Miller hate rant:
"Liberals are ruining America. The ACLU
spent this entire Christmas season making sure
there were no public displays of the
birth of little baby Jesus. But if some pervert gets naked
and molests one of the manger scene
sheep, the ACLU is right there to help him."
Swear to Koresh, isn't that Rush Limbaugh talking?
A. The ACLU didn't spend their "entire" on anything.
B. It's not about "the public display of baby Jesus," ...liar,
it's about government endorsing religion
with MY
tax money.
Dennis, you know that - you're not a
moron - why are you lying?
Did the GOP tell you baby Jesus wanted you
to lie?
Will your kids grow up better knowing Daddy's
a whore and a lair?
Or did you get tired of the "he's over my
head" complaints and decided to go the other way
and appeal to every low-brow, racist, stick-up-his-ass
Republican prick that you USED to ridicule?
C. And if a pervert get naked and molests the sheep, he's
probably mentally ill, so who does it help
when the cops to take him down by the
river and beat his brains in, or to "pad" his arrest jacket
to get "that kind" off the street, when,
...for all you know, ...he's Pat Buchanan's brother and all
he needs is a little compassion and
D. You're damn right the ACLU stands up for the guy nobody
will stand up for.
Unlike some Democrats and most Republicans,
the ACLU believes in the US Constitution.
In closing...,
(applause coming in on a global scale....)
Miller ended his rant saying "Why don't
we just GLASS Iraq, and then look at North Korea
and say, 'You want a piece of
that, mother-effer?' " (He said the word, NBC bleeped
it out.)
Sure, after September 11th, I had my "glass 'em" period
- it lasted about 24 hours.
I wanted them all dead, their familes dead, their
water supplies destroyed etc etc
but then the logical, scientific brain overruled the heart, and
I came back.
Bush and his Wild Bunch can't come back.
Bush would "lose face" if he failed to play the cowboy now,
and Miller is right there with the other war-monkeys.
They in trouble.