Subject: Your love for the Clintons (please do not publish my email address) Bartcop,
> "Yeah, I'm still mad at the Democrats who
said the Clinton era sucked.
When you say shit like this, you are just as guilty as the GOP of trying to forget that 2000-2008 happened. Are you going to back that up or just quack like
a duck?
1) In the Summer of 2008, more than half the Democrats did INDEED say "We want something else." That's my complaint. 2) Hillary is not Bill. That's a borderline stupid statement. 3) Even if she was- There has been a whole
new generation in between. Even if Bill could have run again,
That sounds like more quacking to me.
It was young and new voters who won the election for Obama. Hillary wouldn't have been able to energize them. More quacking from the future - are there any facts in your argument? While she still probably would have won given
the toxic climate left behind by G.W.B,
Bill, (who is not Hillary), is our only
double winner since FDR.
4) By your own admission in this issue, it seems the GOP isn't going to have the mid-term switches in congress that Bill did. I didn't "admit" to shit.
5) Health care. Obama got it done. Flawed, yes, but he didn't quit. No, he put Reid & Pelosi in charge of it and then went on vacation. He put all his shit out there on it, no matter
how many times it was pronounced dead.
If you're asking "Are
modern Democrats a bunch of backstabbers?"
the answer is yes.
6) Obama won.
We are where we are and nobody, not even Cher,
can turn back time.
It seems that it boils down to this: I can put the FACTS of Clinton's eight years against
any other Democrat of our lifetime.
Just sayin' (and I'm a donor to your site, FYI) -R
I only publish the e-mails of people who start
out, "You ignorant cock-sucker." Why is it Obama can only look good after lies
are told about the Clintons?
Hillary's support among Blacks was in the ninties - until
it was revealed how "terribly racist" she was.
Want to argue with that? So her credibility with Blacks had to be destroyed and the GOP
and the whore media
And maybe worst of all was that Mena Airport and Vince Foster shit some
Dems brought out.
Devil's Advocate here
- If
Obama is as great as you say, why can't he stand
Every time I hear someone say "Mena Airport
and Vince Foster," I know the speaker is full of shit