Subject: fucking loser
You pathetic, miserable and lonely little boy.
You're fantasies about "torture" and other delusional
tripe lead to your site stuck on 2004.
Of course, the vile and ugly hatred you showed
for a fallen President of that stature,
regardless of political affiliation was a true
showing of how classless you really are.
Too bad that you failed miserably in your attempt
to play up the "how dare they compare Kennedy to Reagan",
as anyone with a modicum of intelligence necessary
to tie one's shoes knows that Reagan SURPASSED Kennedy
in popularity years ago, so that wasn't a "show"
of some farcical ramblings going on inside your head leading you
to believe this was some sort of conspiracy,
but it wasn't. That show of respect, from BOTH sides of the political aisle,
you imbecilic child, was as genuine as you are
a delusional, still living in your Mommy's basement, bedwetter,
and the fact that you received any hits at all
on your "website" is amazing.
I trust this won't find it's way to you, as I'm
sure you're now in some mental institution taking your daily 5000 cc's
of Thorzine a day like a good little, mentally
deranged, Anti-American, uber-liberal communist/socialist/Democrat Party,
who's collective stupidity is proven without
a modicum of doubt by not only your "website", but by their incredible
mind numbing intellectual dishonesty.
But, in case you do get this read to you by one
of the staff at the institution you're in, have fun looking at Rorschach
test blots
and drooling on yourself in the nut house and
maybe some day you too, can become some grand inquisitor who tortures all
who don't agree with you, at least in your own
mind. That way, society is safe from the torturous waste of time you and
you're ilk
foist on those who are unlucky enough, as I was,
to happen by your site because you were misdirected via Google, who are
as relevant in their search engines (unless you're
willing to pay for the higher slot, which shouldn't make any difference
if I'm typing in
the name of the company I'm looking for, but
it does, which is illegal as all Hell) as you are to politics, the Democrat
Party and society in general.
You see, being an Independent, I want the best
candidate period, regardless of their party affiliation and I'm always
to read and patronize any website that is thoughtful
and can see both sides to any issue at hand, as that's the only true way
get an honest and open discourse. Grant it
(I think he means "granted,") that the Republican
Party is not stranger to being dishonest
- Hell, becoming a politician, period, is cause
to question someone's integrity and moral turpitude, but the Democrat Party,
the current configuration especially, is hands
down the biggest violator of the law of polite debate, so much so that
HONEST Democrats will admit as much.
So, down the road when they finally release you,
if that day ever comes, be sure to heed my advise and try a more honest,
open and above all, mature tact when doing your
website and I guarantee you far greater success and notoriety than you're
currently experiencing.
Cheers, you fucking loser,
So, instead of acting like an adult and disagreeing with my opinions,
you chose the typical Republican monkey trick of pooping then throwing
it at someone.
Your side is down to 21%, and that's when you include the pro-choicers.
Good luck with the future.
Oh, and please run Palin against Obama in 2012, would you?
Last thing:
If I send you a bar of soap, would you please wash your ass?
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