Can you ID today's Mystery Car?
Send a photo with your guess so we'll know you're right.
Bart, it's a 1938 Buggati.
I'm by no means an expert on cars, but I saw that car one time on
a slide show somewhere
Bob in Pa.
Bob, I believe you are a
Good job with that.
Sidebar: In1983, we took our first
vacation ever.
In two weeks, we saw Texas, Colorado, Utah, Las Vegas (first
time!) Disneyland,
Hollywood, Richard Pryor in a Comedy Club, San Francisco - tried
to get to Tahoo
but we didn't have chains and it snowed near Sacramento - so back
to San Fran,
back to LA - where we got a hotel and called NBC about getting
tickets for
The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson.
said "First
come, first served, be here at 8AM. "
Somehow, we made it there by 8 AM and got some Stand-By tickets,
but they said they always have no-shows so we had a good chance.
showtime, we were among the last 8 people to get in the studio before
they filled up.
Funny, same thing happened at Letterman in 2008 - we were the
last 5-6 people to get in.
guests were Bob & Ray, some Gorbachev pen-pal girl, and the actress
Flashdance, Jennifer
Beals, showing Johnny how to take a bra off while wearing a blouse.
OK, I'm getting to it (this is prep for my auto-biography)
When it was time to drive out of
the NBC, Burbank studio parking lot, we waited...
enough, after just a few minutes, out came this meticulously clean,
charcoal grey Mercedes.
(I assume it was
someone's job to have Johnny's car spit-polished clean for his ride
we tore out after Johnny, chasing him down the street towards the
We stopped a a light, and Johnny was one car length behind us on
our left.
got the attention of the poeple in the car to our left and motioned for
them to turn
around and look. They did at first, but saw nothing
strange, so they looked back at us
and we were waving harder and pointing behind them with great
looked again and saw Johnny and they started screaming!
were never menacing, but we did follow him for a while on the freeway.
sure if Johhny had a car phone (if they had them in 1983, he could
afford it)
but we didn't need any trouble with the police, so we let Johnny
then alllll those years
later, it's in the back issues, might've been 1998, we were
back in Hollywood - is that the year we went to Johnny Depp's
Viper Room!
what a dump that was.
I, personally, have owned two
clubs nicer than the Viper Room was in 1998
it was on that trip that we set out to stalk Big-Jaw Jay Leno.
We didn't see the show (It was Leno,
for Christ's sake) but we found
the Burbank parking lot and drove in it when others were driving
had to wait longer this time, maybe 20-30 minutes.
Knowing Big-Jaw has a hundred cars,
he could've been driving anything.
saw a couple of false alarms - limos coming out - maybe those were the
we saw it... a giant, old car, cherry red, that was from the forties or
never seen a Bugatti before - to me, it looked like Batman's first car.
So we knew it was Leno so we chased him for a while. I had
a camcorder
and he saw me so he smiled and waved - he was a nicer than we
deserved, maybe...
that Bugatti - we got close enough to see the rivits. It's built
like an airplane
- the left and right halves of the car were bolted together with
airplane-looking rivits.
car looked kinda expensive.
I hope you enjoyed that bridge to nowhere.
another view from Tom B
It looks like a walrus, wearing a forties-style football helmet.
Bart, that's a Buggati Atlantic.
I know It’s an Atlantic because I owned
a model of one
as a prize I won at work, don’t remember what for though.
You won that car in a contest but you can't remember which contest?
That's not
e-mail to Bart
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