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Subject: my last four cents

Ok Bart,

I wouldn't dream of denying that Bush had the CIA lie to Congress to try to fool them into passing
the Iraq Attack resolution. Probably there were some big whopper secret lies that were only told in
super-secret briefings. If so, you and I don't know what lies were told or whether any Representatives
were actually persuaded by them.

Nonetheless, you, a gambler, are betting that the super-secret lies were really, really convincing.
And on this basis you defend the "yes" voters as responsible, if misled, patriots, while maligning
the "no" voters as irresponsible, although proven right, traitors. Why do you do that?

With what we know, I shouldn't call the no voters "traitors."   If I did, I had no right to.
But I'd sure like to hear Her and Feingold debate that secret briefing and what it told them.

And it's OK to disagree with me on this, but I fail to understand why I'm seen as
stretching reality to bend over backwards to prevent saying anything bad about Her.

What if every "harpy, calculated, slut, shrew, bitch, whore"  slur is true.
Would you rather have that - or more of what we have right now?
And a spit-in shot of Cuervo to the first monkey who says, "They are twins."

I was about to answer your question when I saw your next sentence.

You accuse me of being "cock-sure it [the secret briefing at which the whopper lies supposedly were told
to Congress] was less than persuasive?"  Not so. I completely agree with you that you and I don't know
anything about whatever super-secret lies were told to Congress during the run up to the Iraq Attack.

Then we agree about that. Since we don't know the facts, I fail to see how She gains
the name "war monger" from the hard lefties.  They don't know, either.

I merely pointed out to you that the fact that a majority of Democrats in Congress (21 Senators and
126 House Members) voted "no" on the Iraq Attack would tend to indicate that the super-secret lies
weren't exactly "slam-dunk" convincing.

A-ha! We are about to make progress.
The House didn't get to see the evidence, and I assume "secret evidence" can't be shared,
so in this debate, House votes and opinions don't matter. ONLY the senate saw Bush's "facts."

You draw an entirely different conclusion -- without any logical basis, it seems to me. You say that
because 29 Democratic Senators voted "yes" on the Iraq Attack, it may not now be doubted that
the super-secret lies were "slam dunk" convincing. You then assert that the "no" voters, therefore,
irresponsibly voted against our national security by voting "no".

We're shooting in the dark because we don't know.
Hypothetically, if the evidence is 50/50, how should a senator vote?
What if the evidence is 47 percent that Saddam has WMDs and can deliver in 45 minutes
and the evidence is 53 percent that Saddam has no WMDs at all.

How should a responsible Democrat vote?

Second sidebar:
I believe we've stumbled into an actual debate of substance.

Where does that bloody line get drawn?
Thousands (or tens of millions, you don't know) of lives hang on your vote, let's say.

What if the evidence is 70 percent no WMDs, but 30 percent that he does AND
they could take out the East Coast in less than an hour?   How do you vote?
The answer just might tilt the next election.

All this to avoid saying that Hilary made a big mistake -- when Hilary hasn't even tried
to blame her "yes" vote on being lied to by the CIA.

She hasn't yet needed to show her hand.
Why should she show her hand before she has to?
This is related to running to second base before touching first.
Politics is a game and I think she knows exactly what she has to do to win.
Some call that "calculating," I call it "smart."
Nobody has their eye on the Oval more than she does.

Why do I care? Because I thought we learned something from WWII and Nuremberg.
Having the people in Congress who voted for this crime say "we didn't know that the Fuher
really intended to attack, and besides we were fooled by the CIA" is just a rank lie.
They need to admit it to begin to regain some credibility.

That would be an opinion you hold, not a fact.
Plus, you just gave Bush a pass on lying, so aren't your motives now suspect? (kidding)

You say, "It's reeeeeeeeeeal easy to look back and say,
'Why didn't they know in 2003 what we know in 2006?'"

That's a cold, hard fact, not an opinion.

But the operative question is "Why should they be allowed to pretend now not to have known
in Fall of 2002 what you and I knew in Fall of 2002?" After all, they had what we didn't have
-- the benefit of all the most super-secret briefings! All I had was what I read on the web.

At the risk of going down the same road twice - there's what - 50M people on the East Coast?
You would've bet 50M American lives on the info you and I had in 2003?

Keep swinging that big one.
 Neal in Batavia

p.s. senate vote info here:

How'd you know it was big?


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