Had [Clinton] adopted this common-sense
approach, Mohammed Atta would have
been thrown out of the country - and barred
from re-entry - after he was found driving
without a valid license by Florida police,
three months before Sept. 11.
Dick Morris spends his days trying to tarnish Bill Clinton's reputation,
which means he has a lifetime job on .
In this column, he paints the picture that Clinton "wasn't interested"
in stopping the terrorists,
because, Morris claims, he failed to take certain actions during
his administration.
Now, we'll never get the complete story from a whore like Morris,
but I wonder
why he doesn't fault Bush for failing to take the same action
he wanted Clinton to take?
Hey, Dick!
You got an answer for that?
If Clinton was so wrong to not push for that legislation,
why are you giving Weak & Stupid a pass for ignoring
Could it be that "R" after his name and the fact that you're a whore?