Subject: not sure I can vote for Hillary Bart, last week I got angry with her. It
was over the events of the "Ken Starr" comparison.
Personal attacks on Hillary will be seen by some as "Starr-ish."
Ken Starr tracked down every friend the Clintons ever had and threatened
them with
Plus, Obama has compared her to warmongers Bush & McCain.
And a day doesn't go by
Both sides are attacking each other with varying degerees of honesty
and intensity.
Comparing Obama's win in South Carolina to Jesse
Jackson's, rather than Kerry or Gore (or his own),
I still don't get it - "he was trying to portray
Barack as the black candidate."
I'll finish with one question to you--if Hillary
goes into the convention behind in both regular
If the goal is for Obama to win the nomination, yes.
Today's ugliness is NOTHING compared to what tomorrow's GOP slime machine
will do to Obama.
Then Cheney will set off a bomb in New York and scared ninnies will
vote McCain "to save America."
Only YOU could have a civil debate with those
of opposing view. You sometimes
Thanks for that.
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