"Mutual Demise By Way of Follow-the-DLC-Leaders"
   by Carlos Nunya

Look, there are always plenty of people to keep an eye on and go after the bad guys.
But who is there to keep an eye on the good guys? Who is there when the good guys go wrong?
There must be someone to try and make sure the good guys don't become corrupt, become complacent,
or generally lose their way in whatever fashion; someone to keep track of them, and keep them from losing track.
This is the position I have adopted in the following.


Perhaps Bartcop.com will end the same way the Democratic Party is ending...

Must reads:
The Democratic Party is Dead by Robert Reich...Labor Secretary under Clinton

Democrats, Who Needs Them?  by Jeff Cohen

No More Hot Air From the Democrats by Molly Ivins

Published on Friday, March 16, 2001 at www.commondreams.org
Going Backwards
36 'Democratic' Senators Vote For Credit Card/Banking Industry's Bankruptcy 'Reform'
...and they wonder why so many Democrats voted for Ralph Nader.

["I've never seen a bill that was so one-sided. The cries, claims and concerns of vulnerable Americans who
have suffered a financial emergency have been drowned out by the political might of the credit card industry." --
former Dem. Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum now head of Consumer Federation of America]

GW Bush and the credit card/banking industry won a huge victory last night as 36 'Democrats' joined their
Republican 'colleagues' and voted to pass S-420 - the Bankruptcy bill.

Consumer groups and unions have been aggressive in opposing it, contending
that the changes in bankruptcy law will take away an important means of
relief for families hit by job losses. Former President Clinton vetoed last
year's similar version, saying it would hurt ordinary people and working families.

"This is the most anticonsumer piece of legislation that the Congress is
considering," said Edmund Mierzwinski, consumer program director for the U.S.
Public Interest Research Group in Washington, D.C.

"Among Senate Democrats who may vote for the bankruptcy bill are Minority
Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.), whose state is home to a Citigroup Inc.
credit card operation in Sioux Falls that employs several thousand people.
Daschle has received $45,000 in political contributions from Citigroup in the
last six years." -- Washington Post 3/11/01

The Associated Press is calling it a big win for Bush and "the second
business-friendly measure to pass both houses of the new Congress".

And they wonder why Ralph Nader got so many Democratic votes?

The Sell Outs:
Daniel Akaka (Hawaii) senator@akaka.senate.gov
Max Baucus (Montana) http://www.senate.gov/~baucus/EmailMax.htm
Evan Bayh (Indiana) http://bayh.senate.gov/webmail.html
Joe Biden (Delaware) senator@biden.senate.gov
Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico) senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov
John Breaux (Louisiana) senator@breaux.senate.gov
Robert Byrd (West Virginia) senator_byrd@byrd.senate.gov
Maria Cantwell (Washington) http://cantwell.senate.gov/mailform.html
Jean Carnahan (Missouri) senator_carnahan@carnahan.senate.gov
Thomas Carper (Delaware) http://carper.senate.gov/
Max Cleland (Georgia) http://www.senate.gov/~cleland/webform.html
Hillary Clinton (New York) senator@clinton.senate.gov
Kent Conrad (North Dakota) senator@conrad.senate.gov
Tom Daschle (Sorth Dakota) http://daschle.senate.gov/webform.htm
Byron Dorgan (North Dakota) senator@dorgan.senate.gov
John Edwards (North Carolina) http://www.senate.gov/~edwards/contact.html
Dianne Feinstein (California) senator@feinstein.senate.gov
Bob Graham (Florida) bob_graham@graham.senate.gov
Fritz Hollings (South Carolina) http://www.senate.gov/~hollings/webform.html
Daniel Inouye (Hawaii) http://www.senate.gov/~inouye/webform.html
Tim Johnson (South Dakota) tim@johnson.senate.gov
Herb Kohl (Wisconsin) senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov
Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) http://landrieu.senate.gov/webform.html
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov
Carl Levin (Michigan) senator@levin.senate.gov
Joe Lieberman (Connecticut) senator_lieberman@lieberman.senate.gov
Blanche Lincoln (Arkansas) blanche_lincoln@lincoln.senate.gov
Barbara Mikulski (Maryland) senator@mikulski.senate.gov
Zell Miller (Georgia) http://miller.senate.gov/email.htm
Patty Murray (Washington) senator_murray@murray.senate.gov
Ben Nelson (Nebraska) http://www.senate.gov/senators/ben_nelson.html
Harry Reid (Nevada) senator_reid@reid.senate.gov
Chuck Schumer (New York) senator@schumer.senate.gov
Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) senator@stabenow.senate.gov
Robert Torricelli (New Jersey) senator_torricelli@torricelli.senate.gov
Ron Wyden (Oregon) http://wyden.senate.gov/mail.htm

Democrats Who Voted No:
Jon Corzine, N.J.;
Mark Dayton, Minn.;
Chris Dodd, Conn.;
Dick Durbin, Ill.;
Rush Feingold, Wis.;
Tom Harkin, Iowa;
Ted Kennedy, Mass.;
John Kerry, Mass.;
Bill Nelson, Fla.;
Jack Reed, R.I.;
John Rockefeller, W.Va.;
Paul Sarbanes, Md.;
Paul Wellstone, Minn.

Not Voting:
Barbara Boxer (California)


The 10 House 'Democrats' Who Voted For Bush Tax Cuts

Sanford Bishop Jr (Georgia-2nd) bishop.email@mail.house.gov
Bob Clement (Tennessee-5th) Bob.Clement@mail.house.gov
Gary Condit (California-18th) rep.condit@mail.house.gov
Bud Cramer (Alabama-5th) budmail@mail.house.gov
Bart Gordon (Tennessee-5th) bart.gordon@mail.house.gov
Ralph Hall (Texas-4th) rmhall@mail.house.gov
Ken Lucas (Kentucky-4th) kenlucas@mail.house.gov
Mike McIntyre (North Carolina-7th) congmcintyre@mail.house.gov
Collin Peterson (Minnesota-7th) tocollin.peterson@mail.house.gov
James Traficant (Ohio-17th) telljim@mail.house.gov


    Have we been paying attention to the war Bush and the congressional
Republicans have waged thus far from day one in office? The all-out assault
on women, labor, the environment, the non-rich, just for starters? Throughout
all this, where has the Democratic party been?
    A unanimous confirmation of Christine Todd Whitman, Spencer Abraham, and Tommy Thompson,
Donald Rumsfeld (and all the rest)...need I provide their records? Only 24 NOT voting in confirmation
of Gale Norton...need I furnish hers (and it's a truly frightening one)? Eight voted FOR John Aschroft...
I know I need not mention his. That means 42 in opposition. That's plenty for a filibuster.
Kennedy threatened. Why wasn't it used?

    Enough votes for a filibuster on the rolling back of OSHA ergonomics regulations.
Why wasn't it used? Unfortunately there were not enough to filibuster the bankruptcy bill,
as 36 "democrats" sickeningly voted yea, as noted earlier.
     When Clinton took office, from day one Bob Dole, in a Republican
minority congress, used the filibuster in unheard of frequency. But so-called
Democrats in a 50-50 senate refuse. Hmmm. What does the future hold?
    But, what might be deemed wanton, calls for mass filibustering aside....

    The Republican/Bush definition of "bipartisanship"
George Bush's Democrats (1) by Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr.: pushing conservative
legislation uncompromisingly, while cherry picking a few conservative
Democrats (and there are plenty to go around these days) to make the vote.
The Democratic leadership seem to be complacently going along with this definition.

    Where is the real Democratic party? There are good ones left, to be sure
-- the Progressive Caucus, many of the Black Caucus, Sens. Wellstone and
Feingold and Boxer, the Kennedy's, and a handful of others.
    But unfortunately we have the corrupt corporation known as the DLC -- run
by CEO (and yes, that's his title) Al From, who, in a report issued just
after the election, said Al Gore "lost the election" because "he was not
republican enough"...his own words...and that the Democratic party should
continue a swing towards the right. The DLC, which consists of conservative,
southern, and "New" Democrats, aka centrists, has taken over the party in an
aggressive coup powered by and wrought with oft-dirty money.

Outgoing Bill Clinton installed his moneyman, Terry McAuliffe -- a man who is
solely a fundraiser, who stands for nothing, who is not a politician or activist, who
was involved in the 1996 campaign finance fiascoes -- as head of the DNC.
These conservative and centrist "New Democrats" have no philosophy, other
than that of Dick Morris-style "triangulation" and poll-watching. They don't
fight. They don't stand up for anyone or anything. All they stand for are the
latest polls, their own celebrity, and money money money from their corporate
backers (to whom they shamelessly buckle). And these characters have taken
over the Democratic party, drowning out, in fact stifling, what true voices are left.
Thus the two-party merger begins. Don't we have laws against monopolies?

    Where is the real Democratic party? The party of Roosevelt and Truman.
The party that actually has principles and a philosophy that it sticks to.
The party that sticks up for the little guy. The party that stands for, and
moreover, fights for the poor, labor, women, the environment, economic
equity, civil rights, gun control, peace, the common good...so on and so forth.
    One does not fight the disgraceful, shameless, purely corporate, and
plain evil ways of Bush-league double-cross conservatism with spineless,
roll-over, money-hungry, sellout centrism! How will all the pro-Clinton/Gore,
anti-Nader "Democrats" feel when, if this dying party doesn't mount a
credible challenge to Bush and the Republicans, they prove Nader correct? One
would hope that this time they at least realise it's their own fault.

Keep tabs on the votes of your Democrats in congress (watch how many back down on Campaign Finance Reform):
U.S. Senate Legislative Activities

U.S. House of Representatives


On a totally different note, the following articles might be useful in the "liberal media myth" section:
Conservatives Keep Pushing ‘Big Lie’

Murdoch's Fox News

Narrow Separation of Press and State

Oh, how I wish there WERE liberal media!

However, I can find it online:
http://www.commondreams.org/     NewsCenter
http://www.progressive.org/            The Progressive
http://www.thenation.com/              The Nation
http://www.alternet.org/                  AlterNet

 There's a lot I don't agree with in this essay, but you know me - always willing to let all sides speak...
  -- BartCop

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