Open letter to the Senate
    by my good friend Nuveeeena

Dear Senator,

Please stand up and represent me, and others like me.
It is the job of each Congressional member, both
Republican and Democrat alike, to listen to the
concerns of easily HALF the nation.  The integrity of
the Ohio election is clearly suspect.  Both Blackwell
and the Triad Company's activities and comments, both
overt and surreptitious, have the taint of impropriety.

The term "American People" includes Democrats,
although you would not have known it these past four
years.  We feel that the 2004 presidential election was
a case of the foxes running the hen house, and a
significant number of Americans raised those concerns
well in advance of the election.

We continue to believe that democracy has been stolen
in the U.S.  As you well know, as do most Americans,
it would take only one senator DOING HIS JOB to start
an investigation into the American presidential voting
disaster by objecting to the Ohio electors.  24 House
Representatives have already put their reputations on
the line.  And frankly, should no Senator stand up in
kind, it is a slap in the face to THEM and to all
Americans who care about the power of the vote.

Is there no friend to John Kerry, or to democracy
among you?  Do you expect John Kerry to shoulder this
burden?  He has done his job by running.  His efforts
must be honored by not allowing this election to be

Certainly, more than one of you are cognizant of this
and are weighing the consequences of such an action.
All I can say is, remember Birmingham, Alabama.
Remember the civil rights workers who paid for their
political convictions with their lives.

In the 2000 election, I called each senator and begged
for just one to stand up for the abandoned one-half of
the nation.  And look at the truth eventually revealed
upon examination of the Florida ballots.  Gore's
victory was usurped by vitriolic and unabashed right
wing, and Bush wrongly inaugurated.

Please be a senator that represents BOTH halves of the
United States.  If there is no fraud in Ohio, our true
democracy is strong enough to withstand the scrutiny.
Think of the harmony a sincere consideration of the
allegations would purchase.

Do not accept flawed election results, because no
disenfranchised American EVER WILL.  We see the basic
tenets of our democracy being sneered at by the right
wing punditry, and at least HALF of us wonder how
political activity could be driven by such baldly
hateful and arrogant opinions.

In my personal opinion, it is a mistake to rush
through any election.  Why is the media so hungry for
a winner to be declared, and so quickly?  Shouldn't we
be SURE rather than speedy?  Doesn't the electorate
deserve the consideration of fair election processes
and accurate tabulation?

Truth and justice had been the American way, although I
can tell you that for HALF of us, our faith in that
way is greatly weakened.  We see that reasonable
mechanisms for inquiry and validation are being
ignored, scoffed at and avoided.

Take a stand and the people will respect and stand
with you. Do nothing and our forefathers worked for
nothing, we gain nothing for ourselves and we pass on
an ethically and Constitutionally deficit country to
our children.

Thank you,

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