Subject: Obama - second-WPE?
You wrote “I hope Obama doesn't end up being considered the
second-worst president ever.”
I never thought I would say this but, at this point, I think he’s in
danger of being not second-worst
but THE WORST president ever. If his weakness and caving in to
the tea party terrorists actually
leads to the destruction of Social Security and Medicare, what’s left
of our paltry safety net, he will
have resulted in some of the greatest harm to this country that I can
He will be responsible for creating a
Republican utopia, where the rich continue to get richer, with
uneducated labor and big profits, while the poor cower before their
“masters” for their tiny crumbs
of pay and the old & sick crawl up somewhere and just die.
That is the world he is helping usher in by not fighting for democratic
principles, by not fighting for us.
What do you call someone that can pretend to be someone else and say a
lot of pretty lines that someone
else wrote? An actor and that is what Obama is. A great actor
with his great, “tough” speeches which are
completely unrelated to what he actually does. And now he’s going
around talking about jobs? Really?
His caving on the debt ceiling is going to cost us jobs!
The only people he actually gets mad at are his own base!
Because, we have the audacity to actually
want him to fulfill his campaign promises! What suckers we
Ideally, he should be primaried for his utter failure as a president.
For extending the Bush Tax cuts when
he promised to end them. For giving up on the public option when its
what the majority of this country
wanted (before the republicans media blitz confused the public) and its
what this country needed.
A public option would have been a JOB CREATOR, taking the burden off
some businesses and providing
a basic quality of life to all Americans. For continuing these
unnecessary wars. For the torture and not
going after the criminals of the prior administration. And especially
for this debt ceiling disaster and
putting our safety net in danger!
Before, I used to tell myself that I’d have to just grit my teeth and
vote for him, for the sake of the
Supreme Court not being filled with more ideological zealots but
now, I can’t even be sure that won’t happen!
If he’s willing to sacrifice Social
Security and Medicare – will there be anything sacred to this
Who says he won’t want to please his Repub buddies by nominating one of
their picks??
It seem nothing is certain about him anymore.
It is just all sad and terrifying and makes me fear for the future for
myself and my children.
It’s funny how the Tea Party keeps saying the talking points about how
they are so concerned about
the debt because they don’t want to saddle their children with this
burden. Well, I don’t want my children
to grow up in a country where its everyone fend for yourself, where the
education is shitty because schools
keep getting cut, where the infrastructure is crumbling around them and
its not safe to even use a bridge
and if hardship strikes you, if you lose your job or fall sick,
well…just too bad.
Will we ever have a truly Progressive president again to reverse this
tide? Is that even possible
in the poisonous political and media culture in this country anymore?
I’m so disheartened and upset. Like you, I was a Hillary supporter but
I allowed myself to hope that
after Bush, we’d finally have sane leadership, with Obama. After
he won, I was behind him 100%.
I never imagined this is what we were in for. And under a Democratic
Who could have envisioned this?
Thanks for your page and for providing some much needed sanity in an
increasingly insane world!
Money has been pretty tight but I plan to contribute as soon as I can.
Daniella in PA
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