Subject: oil spill
No doubt we are all tired
of the events occurring due to this
hideous oil spill, but the results are far more reaching Information has recently
come to light indicating that one or
two (very) small charges, probably C4, were planted
on the rig generating a spark which ignited the methane gas inside the well and of course the ensuing explosion and leakage of oil. This was done by 'Mercs' (mercenaries) working for "the company" (CIA) and for a number of reasons: in the oil industry to continual stealing from us to the tune of $3.00 per gallon and more - since the hurricanes there are now just two remaining rigs in business, down from 16 (2) Destroy the fisheries and crab industry in the Gulf putting thousands out of work and destroying the economy of the Gulf region - the oil spill has thus far been quite successful in this endeavor (3) the oil spill is being used a vehicle by which to test Martial Law procedures, see attached article (4) Divert attention away from several unconstitutional, evil actions of the Government among them the recent subversive attempt to take away the guns and ammo of all Registered gun owners in America via a UN Treaty that Hillary Clinton and Obama bin Laden where trying to sneak through. The exposure of this attempt narrowly averted a bloody civil war in America for such an attempt will cause just that. However, since the Federal Government is looking for an excuse to declare Martial Law and flush what little is left of the Constitution you can expect another attempt on our guns one day soon. From my perspective, you want my guns, come get them - please...... Alpha O
I can see the Bush bastards trying that,
but Obama? |