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Operation Political Starvation
 by Marc Perkel

Dear fellow political radicals,

I don't know if you all all as livid as I am about last week's vote to suspend 
the Constitution and allow the government to spy on us without a warrant as I am. 
If you are, I have a proposal. I call it Operation Political Starvation and it's a commitment 
to refuse to donate any money to any politician until our rights are restored.

The law that was passed was like the Patriot Act where it was rushed through without 
any discussion as to what they were doing. This was done this time by the Democrats 
who could have just told Bush to go fuck himself but instead voted to give him powers 
for 6 months that are clearly unconstitutional. Two weeks ago they were talking about 
impeaching Gonzales for the very thing they just legalized. It's a level of insanity that 
just makes my skin crawl.

This law will last at least 6 months after which there will be a push to make it permanent. 
And the Democrats have already demonstrated that they are total pussies when it comes to 
asserting anything. They talk like they are against what Bush is doing yet all they have to do 
to stop Bush is to stop voting for things Bush wants.

What they say means absolutely nothing. It's how they vote that counts. Since this law 
lasts 6 months none of them, and I mean NONE will get a dime from me as long as my 
rights are suspended. If the law expires without being renewed then I will contribute again. 

However, we need to make a very strong statement and they have to feel it and this is 2007 
and not an election year and I don't see where withholding money is going to make the 
difference in next years election. Except that what would be the point of electing 
Democrats if they are going to vote like Republicans.

What I'm looking for is to start a movement and call it "Operation Political Starvation" 
(unless someone has a better name) where people of all parties refuse to make any 
political contribution while our rights are suspended. In particular Democrats need to feel it.

I had someone call me yesterday from the DSCC wanting me to give them money to elect 
Democrats to the Senate. I told her NO FUCKING WAY and made it clear why. 
She admitted that she was hearing that a lot so there is support out there for this kind of idea.

Yes - it is weird for me to advocate hurting Democrats when the Republicans are pure evil. 
However if the Republicans control the Democrats which appears to be the case based on 
HOW THEY VOTE, what is the difference. This is 2007, not 2008 and we have some time
here to turn the Democrats around and they best way I can think of is if it makes the news 
that Democrats are withholding funds until Democrats vote with the voters. 

When we elected them in 2006 we sent a message that we want change and all we are 
getting is lip service. That isn't good enough. We need to put the hurt on them. 

So I'm advocating that we stop giving for 6 months and see how they vote 
when it comes time to renew this law.

There is a level of insanity that I can not support and the Democrats have reached it. 
It is time that use who have blogs take a stand for civil liberties while we still have them.

There is an old saying in the news business. 
"Never pick a fight with a guy who buys ink by the barrel."

I have a new version of that. 
"Never pick a fight with a blogger who buys data by the terabyte." 

I'm using about 8 terabytes a month and I want to dedicate some of it to turning this insanity around.

So - who likes this idea?

Marc Perkel
Computer Tyme Hosting

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