I got this e-mail at Noon Saturday. At 4:30, it still wasn't posted at Washingtontimeswhore.com Maybe he's afraid to have a link to such horseshit? The reason the right-wing has to tell us that Palin is smart - not stupid like everybody thinks - is because everyone in America knows how damn stupid she is. Last poll I saw, about 64% of Republicans say they don't think she's qualified to be president - and this is AFTER BUSH! Palin's monster gaffes are so many, there's no room on the internet to list them, but I'm going to mention a few of my favorites: In the VP debate, she opened with "Can I call you Joe?" because McCain's staff said she had a mental block and kept calling him "O'Biden." If you remember the debate, she actually called our VP "O'Biden." McCain's staff was unable to get her to remember Biden's name. ...and you says she's the smartest gal in politics? When Katie Couiric asked her what newspapers she read, she was unable to name any. Later, she complained about those "gotcha" questions by tricky people like Katie Couric. When she flubbed the Paul Revere answer, she said it was "another gotcha question." Turns out, every journalist in America is a "gotcha" journalist, so Palin will only grant interviews to sympathetic FOX players such as Greta Van Susteren, where, presumably, Sarah can get the questions in advance and have her team come up with answers she can fit on her hand. Plus, speeches written for politicians are designed to reach the maximum number of people. If intelligent people like Clinton and Obama didn't reign in their intellect, only a small percentage of people would be able to understand what they were saying. It would be like brain surgeons comparing surgeries - we lay people wouldn't have a chance. But the biggest flaw, the one you can't get over, is America's common sense. Everybody knows Reagan and Der Monkey Fuhrer and Palin are dumber than a box of rocks. Everybody also knows Obama and Clinton are always going to be the smartest guys in the room. I remember in 2000, they sold Monkeyboy to us saying, "You dont WANT the president to be the smartest guy in the room. You WANT a president who you'd enjoy drinking a beer with." Yeah, and look how that turned out. Bush bankrupted the whole planet - and we're still not out of the woods. Republicans generally run the dumbest guy in the room. Reagan, Dole, Monkeyboy, and McCain - there's not a brain cell between the four. One last idea: Let's have Palin challenge Obama on Jeopardy! - winner gets the White House.