The BartCop Snare

 I set a trap for my old religio-wacko buddy, Papax7.
 Will he get caught up in it?
 Only Reagan and Smirk's daddy know for sure.

 Letter One



 Subject:  The Truth at Last?

 Have you heard the bad news?

 Iran is talking about "October Surprise."
 They say it was all true.
 They say they have proof.

 Could be horrible news for Reagan's legacy.
 Could be horrible news for Bush's legacy.
 Could be disaster for Gov Smirk and the GOP.

 I'll try not to gloat too much - NOT!!!!!!!


 Letter Two



 You been smoking that wacky weed again?

 Is that why BC wants to rebuild relations with Iran again, so that
 alphagore, the love canal story man, can replay that old myth?

 Nice try old buddy, but you better start on your alphagore defense against
 trying to use the IRS for political gain.

 Letter Three



 Wait a minute.
 It's too easy to dismiss October Surprise as an "old myth."
 If you're sure they didn't do it, why not condemn it now, before we know for sure?
 Why not send me some e-mail condemning the act?
 If this charge was leveled against Clinton, I'd go out on a limb.

 If you're sincere about what you say, reply to my e-mail and say,

 "If it can be PROVEN Reagan/Bush had those hostages held longer,
  they are both despicable men who deserve our outrage."

 Final Letter


 OK, if it can be proven that Reagan/Bush caused those hostages to be held longer,
 they both deserve to be hung by their thumbs and forced to renounce their lifelong
 Republican membership. And they will both be branded as despicable.

 As you can see, he cheated.

 Instead of calling RR/Butch "despicable men," he said,
 "They will both be branded despicable men."

 His word-game dodge tells us three things:

 1. It means he never personally called them, "despicable."
     He couldn't bring himself to do that, even tho that was the whole point.
     I was testing his faith, like with Moses and the rock.

 2. He says they will be "branded" as despicable.
     That means maybe they are,  maybe they aren't,
     but, fairly or unfairly, they were "labeled" despicable.
     Another lack of faith from a man who's not sure about his idol, Reagan.

3.  He's scared to death. He believes it just like I do.
     The mighty Reagan legacy may be about to take the BIG fall,
     along with Butch's legacy and Smirk's presidential aspirations.

     Look how easy this is. Just reverse the situation:
     BartCop, if it can be proven Clinton actually murdered 44 people like Falwell claims
     in the video he sells to gullible sheep, should he be put on trial for murder?

     BartCop: You bet your ass. Throw him in prison and lose the key!

See how easy it is when you have a little faith?


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