Subject: Paris Hilton and Shitty
You complain but then further Media's/TV's dumbing
down of America with a story on Paris Hilton.
She is part of the reason we have this Dumbed
Down MTV culture in America.
You don't mean that.
Paris Hilton made Hollywood turn greedy?
Paris Hilton made writers turn out boring, unfunny
and unoriginal scripts?
Paris Hilton is responsible for Will Ferrell's
$50 million fart jokes?
The Media avoids important stories and puts Paris
Hilton on
for 4 minutes of nothing so they don't have to
do real reporting.
Let's agree to blame the American whore media
that ignores real news.
I've been doing my part for 11 years or so.
All she did is have sex on camera!! Big
Now you're doing the same thing....what gives?
Why, ...I ...never!
(How much could get for a tape like that?)
I know you have to support the web page but...damn!!!
I can see why some women may not like her,
but what gets a man so upset about a picture
of a pretty girl?
And yes, she's always in the Top Ten in
Somehow, this marginally talented lady made it to the top of Earth's
show business empire.
Shouldn't we give her props for being the Pete Rose of worldwide entertainment?
Next, you'll be sending off production of the
to a guy named "Steve" in India to save money.
You got a number for Steve?
Dude, God gave us those magic flowers for a reason.
You need to roll one and make the tension go away.
There's another way to relieve tension - and Paris might be able to
Bart I love your work, but Paris Hilton sucks,
California Dave
You got that right.
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sure would.
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