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Subject: Why does She get a free pass?

This is NOT Hillary's first Rodeo.
I completely agree with Bart that Kerry and Leahy are surrender-first WIMPS....
so why do you give Hillary a free pass for wimping out?

Hillary's pass is coming to a close.
Soon, she will no longer be a freshman senator.
Soon, she will be running for office and the gloves will come off.

She's a senator now, remember?
And the pretender to be the _leader_ of the Democrat Party.
Ever hear of the filibuster, Bart?
Hillary could use the filibuster, but she won't!

I think it would be a mistake for the freshman on her first job to grab the spotlight.
As is, she has to deal with Democrats screaming, "Who does she think she is?
She thinks she's so smart - she think she's better than everybody!" 
so how would those people react to her grabbing the wheel from her party elders?

It's not her place to scream, "Look at me, me, me!  It's all about me, me, me!"
You should be screaming at Biden, Kennedy, Kerry and the others who've been there for 40 years.
But - things are changing.
They say Obama is forcing her to move up her timetable.
Things are about to heat up.

It gets tiresome reading you bash the Kerrys and Bidens and Leahys, while giving Hill a HUGE free pass.

Or, you could look at things in reverse.
Why do you give the career Democrats a pass and expect the new girl to fight all of their battles?
Kerry, Biden and Leahy are the seasoned warriors in this fight - why are they so afraid to stand up?

I know, I know... I don't have to stop in and visit Bartcop's humble comedy page.

I consider you a pillar.
I still remember that check you send me in what, 2003?

I want you to visit every day, but remember, Her pass is about to expire.
The polite gentlelady from New York is about to "go Montecore" on Der Fuhrer.

"Where's Bush?"

I guess we were lucky to get Bill in '92 (and I aknowledge that Hill. was a big part of that)
but do we Americans HAVE to have a Bush or Clinton leading us from 1980 to 2008?

I would prefer that to Bush/Bush/Bush/Bush/Bush  etc.   Besides, if we have a better 
candidate, let them come forward and wrestle the nomination from Her.

Does Koresh really hate us that much that out of 300,000,000 Americans
the best we rate is a senator who sponsored a law to criminalize flag burning?

1. There is no God.
2. That flag-burning crap was as sincere as Bush's love for black children.

Admit it, Bart:  Hillary is as pro torture as any "Democrat" out there,
and until Lamont came along, she got her Marching orders from Lieberman and AIPAC.

So - this is about Israel?
Damn, and I've been trying to reason with you :)

You're going to see a new Her in the next 90 days.

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