From: Patricia R-T


Subject: About the sweater...

If you are actually going to pay Maureen Dowd to write the kind of drivel she
just put out regarding General Clark's argyle (horrors!) sweater, and actually
pay her for it, as a faithful reader of forty years I demand that you pay me for
the following brief, but insightful article.
The Republican Uniform
Dress Like Us Or You Are Unpatriotic
   by Pat R-T
    Before the second tower of the World Trade Center had crumbled to dust
as a result of freedom hating terrorists, every Republican politician and their
ever faithful servants in the press had rushed to clothe themselves in a uniform
that spoke mightly of their patriotism, their love for the flag and their absolute
inability in times of crisis to think for themselves.  Their uniform never varied.

   There was the dark blue suit, bright white shirt and glaring red tie. They wore it to
the White House and the talk shows. They wore it day in and day out. I'm sure they
slept in red and blue striped pajamas with a little embroidered flags on the  tops just
to impress their subconscience with their patriotism during sleep.

   If Bush went to a fundraiser, he wore the uniform. When Cheney popped his head out
of his very own secret hiding place to sneer some remark to the properly clad press,
he wore the uniform.  Bush condescended to change out of the uniform only for Karl
Rove's carefully scripted Mission Accomplished swagger across a ship in a lovely flight
suit with the leg straps still attached so that he had to walk in an exaggerated manly
fashion just to keep the straps from castrating the commander in chief in public.
But Bush should be forgiven for this blunder. Maybe on the day when the National
Guard had the leg strap use and disassembly, Bush was AWOL.

   The Uniform of the Republican Party was worn to reassure the public that they,
the great GOP, cared so much about saving America from the terrorists that they were
willing to give up their individuality in the process. They used the uniform to belittle the
"free thinkers" in the society as terrorists sympathizers. Surely anyone who did not
willingly don the uniform was not to be trusted. There was safety in conformity.
Dress like us and we'll save you from terrorists. We will relieve you from the burden
of choice.  You no longer have to worry about anything. Leaders will never wear
anything other than the symbol of all that we used to cherish.  Those in the uniform
are now in charge. Of everything.

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