Subject: still wrong
Hi BC,
I have to agree with Laura <>
and disagree with you about
China. I still say that plane landed in China
because we wanted to put it
there. If it was really in distress, why didn't
it land in Vietnam which was
closer? It had to fly a longer distance to land
in China. This incident was
arranged to justify selling arms to Taiwan, nothing
more. There is no
national honor at stake here. Just military/industrial
Let me drop my drawers and check. Yup, I'm still
a guy but I don't think
there was anything wrong with Colin Powell's
approach to this situation. We
have to live in the world, don't we? Our country
(especially now, with the
Dimwit In Chief at the helm) has to learn to
respect other nations and
accept that sometimes things can be done a little
differently and still be okay.
We are speeding towards a day when America will
be a fascist state
controlled by religious nut jobs. We don't need
to be playing "mine's bigger
than yours" games with China or any other nation,
especially as a pretext
for arms sales. What's next? Are we going to
increase our stockpile of
nuclear weapons so the bullies won't steal our
milk money? I think if you
take a deep breath, have a shot of Chinaco and
reflect on the situation, I
think you'll see that (in a way that the Resident
might phrase it) there's
only one bully on this block and he is we.
By the way, the Asian reference that you didn't
understand comes from the
"fact" that in California, in the same way that
all black people have
rhythm, all Asians drive their cars 10 miles
per hour on any street or
freeway, any time of day or night. It's another
of the endearing insights
that helps justify BM's more than appropriate
Okay, to sum up, we put that plane in China on purpose to justify arming the Taiwanese.
We are the only bully in the schoolyard and we're getting more aggressive.
Chinaco, yum.
Keep up the good work,
John Pavlik
John, I'm not sure you agree with either of us.
Laura said (my words) "Can't we all stop being macho and just get
I said, "We can't give in to blackmail."
You say, "This was a handjob from the start."
And you can't mean that about Powell handling this right.
The morning of the apology, Powell said, from France,
"We did nothing wrong, so we won't apologize,"
then we apologized.
Maher was exactly right when he compared Smirky to a guy on the phone,
grovelling to his girlfriend, then trying to convince his friends he's