Subject: Can we spend a trillion
dollars a week to prop up the market?
This week the government pumped a trillion dollars
of borrowed money against our taxes
into the stock markets to prop up the profits
of the rich. This is to restore confidence in the market.
But is our problem really a matter of the confidence
of investors in the market or the confidence of
the people in our government? They allowed deregulation
to occur allowing the financial institutions
to go wild and now they the are losing money
they want to suck off the government socialist tit.
And what does the taxpayers get? The GOP is compiling
list of foreclosed homes so that when the
owners show up to vote the Republicans will prevent
them. So the banks get trillions and the people
who are out out on the street don't even get
to vote. I think it's time for the people to rise up and take
America back from Wall Street. In a free market
banks should fail. People should lose money on bad
investments. That's what freedom is all about.
And what is Wall Street going to do next week? Are we
going to give them another trillion dollars?
And who is next? Do we prop up the auto industry for decades
of bad decisions? Do we cave into the oil companies
and "drill baby drill" while the planet overheats?
There comes a point when reality catches up with
you. When you can no longer live the lie. When the
country can't keep kiting checks. When you kicked
the can down the road so many times that there is
no more road. I say enough is enough. I say it's
time that someone else pay the price than to dump it on
the taxpayers. It's time we make the politicians
suffer not the taxpayer.
It's time for the people to show anger towards
the government.
Marc Perkel
San Bruno, CA.
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