Note: To donate more than $5,000 e-mail us for instructions.
That's a joke, but I know there are some rich Hollywood liberals who
and maybe they think this fund-raising is an attempt at humor - it's
If some well-off Clinton fan wants to see the crimes of the Bush
Family Evil Empire exposed,
and maybe having some fun doing it, have a few drinks and get out your
American Express.
Or if you think the Bill of Rights should still be in effect,
Or you think the top cop in America shouldn't be religiously insane,
Or if you think it's OK if all the oil in the world and all the
gold in the world
and the fresh water rights in California belonged
to one small group of oil men,
Or you think Ol' BartCop, recovering Catholic with ADD and an
IQ of 64 is
actually smarter than man some call the president
of the United States,
Or if you're non white - Koresh knows you need a louder voice.
Or you non-believers - people need to hear the message of science
and logic,
not that I am, but it's a goal I strive towards,
like giving peace a chance.
Or if you're non-straight - Civil rights come first here, right after humor.
Or you women - "Woman is the nigger
of the world," said Lennon. It's true, isn't it?
Is there a country on Earth where the women
have equality?
I believe that as late as the 1970s, women
weren't allowed to own property in Texas.
I did real estate loans (in Oklahoma) starting
in 1979 and they told me mortgage loans in Texas
were easier to make because you didn't need the
wife's signature on the mortgage deeds & papers.
If somebody knows the facts
on that, please forward.
But when the GOP says they want to take us back to when America was
this is the kind of crap they're talking about - where broads, niggers
& faggots knew their place?
I suggest we DON'T go there.
That's the kind of shit that gets fought here at
So, this is sweep weeks on television.
I said a while back that I wouldn't badger you for donations constantly.
I can't imagine what it would be like to think "fund-raising" every
waking moment.
No wonder those bastards in Washington are so crooked and easily-bought.
...but I'm different!
Wanting to keep necessary fund-raising at a minimum, AND do it when
something good
is distracting you, I thought TV Sweeps weeks would be a good time
for fund-raising.
Everytime you see another reminder that all the cool people are donating,
you're guaranteed to have something big and new on your television
that night.
Don't send in your kids food money.
Don't send in your bill paying money.
Don't send in any money that means anything to you.
Send in your gambling money.
Send in your stupid money - money you meant to throw away.
Send in your hooker money - be faithful to your wife, you scumbag!
Send me your church money!
Because I might be more honest than your preacher!
He says you MUST give 10 percent (Gross, mind you, not net) which is
a TAX.
And if you don't? ...he can't guarantee your safety in the afterlife,
sinning freeloader!
That's what Tony Sopranos's goons would tell you - "Pay
us or die."
As far as the elderly, the young and those who depend on others, I was
a kid once.
I remember what it was like to be absolutely powerless.
Bueno fortunado, I had the best parents in the world.
I'm rapidly becoming the elderly and I'm going to be fighting for them.
...and those who depend on others?
Unless we get hit by a bus, we'll all spend out final weeks
in a bed, right?
So maybe advancing the agenda with humor is something that could catch
The pie is growing higher - but will we stay a whisper for years?
Sure would be nice to have a bigger megaphone...
And besides, you need some tax losses, right?
Your ledger could use a few "bad investments," to help hide that cash
money you got, remember?
Consider donating to
PO Box 54466
Tulsa, OK 74155
Last thing:
Contributions are not tax deductible, but remember:
We get more hits here each day than the margin of "victory" Smirk
claimed in Florida.
If we can change just a few minds, expose a few lies, point out
a few frauds...
...wouldn't it be something if we actually made a difference? thanks these Phase Four Contributors:
David Aselin
Lande Adams
Joe Bacon
Joe Bartholomy
Robert Baxter
Christian Bell
Jerry Berwick x2
David E. Boldt
David Bolton
Dann Brown
Rocky Carr A small contribution towards that pair
of socks for the pResident's Christmas present
Derek Coffman
John D. Cole II x3 *
Eddy in Norman bigger hammer/higher pie
Robert Creasey
Brandon Curtis
Uberfem 13
Alan Deikman
Robert DeLeys
Susan Dennis
The Diehard
Ernie DiMicco *
Norma Diz
Dog Folks
Sam Duncan
Thomas DeStasio
Pauline Dragoo x several
Shawn Dunaway
Douglas Elliott *
Faun Otter
Carl Fortunato * Good luck with the move, Carl!
Fredric Freedman - Keep fighting the good fight!
Joseph Frietze
Freoderik in Hawaii x several
L. D. Fuller
Erik Gayhart **
Gian Giacoppe
Stephen Gillenwater
Michael Gottlieb *
Adam Greenwood
Thomas Hackett - who wasn't home when I called
Sarah Haggard
Bruce Hakes a Naderite who is NOT in the pay of the
Evil Junta.
Timothy Harris
Brian Harwell
Chris Hilbert
Arthur Hinton
Chris Hoffman
Deborah Hornstra - Thanks a lot for keeping it real, bartcop!
This Thanksgiving I was grateful for you, Buzzflash, MWO, etc.
John L Johnson
Michael A. Johnson
Keith Jones
Jennifer Kavouras - The volcanic bartender in Cincy
Timothy Kimble
Allan Knutson
George Krausser
James Langdell
Jeffrey Larsen
Mark Lehosit
Mac Guru
Christopher Lyman
Patrice Mack
Leo Markosian
Nancy Maynard x2
William McIlfatrick
James Miklasevich
April Morgan x2
Thomas V. Morris
Jeanette Novakovich x2 freedom!
Walt Owen
Derek Parker x2
John Payton
Peter in Hughsonville
Brad Pierce x3 donation to
fight traitors
Cindy Plant
Mark Ploegstra
Christopher Powe x2
Jill Quick
Ross Quinlan Jr
Kathleen Ready
Elizabeth Roberts good works
Megan Rosenburg
Michael Roverse
Dominic Russo
Jane Sarosdy
Kenneth Sawyer - Vietnam Vet
David Schwartz
Daniel Schwenk x2
Serdar Yegulalp - who was here when there were only 15 readers.
He also produced the best logo-graphic.
Thanks, Serdar.
Laura H. F. Simonson
Thor Swift
Jim T who I failed to recognize before - sorry, Dude
Robert Thompson
Hermann Thoni
Jeff Vandemark
Francine Vidockler
Donna Walsh
Larry Walters
The West Wing (royalty payment)
William Warner
Ian Whatley
Ricky Wigginton
Michael Winfield Donation to
help defeat facism in America
Click Here
to see a list of previous contributors