There's no debate: We judge like kids
                                       Mitch Albom             October 15, 2000

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                             You don't normally get to pick your boss. And that's
                             the problem with this presidential election.

                             We are watching these debates between Al Gore
                             and George W. Bush -- two down, one to go -- and
                             in a way, we are conducting a job interview. The
                             candidates are wearing their nicest suits, selling their
                             strengths, downplaying their weaknesses.

                             It's the same thing that happens when you go to hire
                             a salesperson, a secretary or a housekeeper.
                             Only in this case, once you make your choice, the
                             person no longer works for you, he's in charge.

                             No wonder the way Gore sighs seems to make so
                             much difference to us. No wonder the way Bush
                             smiles goes such a long way with voters.
                             I mean, who wants a boss he doesn't like?

                             A friendly face?

                             Which leads us to our dilemma. We are watching
                             these debates like children auditioning baby-sitters.
                             Who wants the old hag with a stern look and a sharp
                             tongue? Wouldn't we prefer the friendly-faced teenager
                             who looks as if she wouldn't mind a pillow fight?

                             I can't tell you how many people after that first
                             debate sent me e-mails complaining about Gore's
                             sighing and seeming impatience. And the fact that he
                             behaved like a "know-it-all."

                             Far fewer people said that when it comes to president,
                             picking the guy who knows more might be important.

                             And how many people, after that first debate,
                             branded Gore a "liar" because he said he'd traveled
                             to Texas with a certain federal official (a guy most
                             Americans have never heard of) when in fact he'd
                             traveled with one of the man's deputies (another guy
                             most Americans have never heard of).

                             For that faux pas, and one other exaggeration
                             (concerning how long a schoolgirl stood in a crowded classroom) Gore was
                             pasted, lambasted and parodied on "Saturday Night Live" as a serial prevaricator.

                             Yet after the second debate, far fewer people
                             jumped on Bush when he said that all three white
                             supremacists charged with killing a black man in
                             Texas "were going to be put to death."

                             In fact, only two are.

                             I don't know. Forgetting how many people you're
                             executing seems a more bothersome memory loss
                             than who you took a trip with.

                             Why wasn't there more objection? Because Bush
                             comes across as the nice baby-sitter. We say to
                             ourselves, "Ah, he didn't mean anything by it."
                             Whereas with Gore, seen as stiff and deliberate,
                             every word is measured on a scale of manipulation.

                             Did you notice in the second debate when Gore
                             pointed out Bush's record on health care in his home
                             state of Texas? He said it ranked at the bottom of
                             the U.S. barrel, 49th or 50th. If we're judging candidates
                             on their records, that's a valid pretty criticism.

                             Yet when the moderator asked Bush -- twice --
                             "Are those numbers correct?" Bush never answered.

                             Was there outrage? No, because of the way we look at Bush.
                             He doesn't like to get too bogged down with numbers.
                             Why should we?

                             The right man?

                             Now I know in reading this, many people will assume I am pro-Gore
                             and anti-Bush. That is not true. To be honest, I haven't made up my mind.
                             Besides, I am not a political columnist, and whom I support matters little.

                             But I am concerned about the process. I am concerned about a country
                             that sees sighs, eye rolls and kisses on "Oprah" as the barometers
                             of who will make a good president.

                             The accusations that Gore "reinvents himself"? What politician doesn't?
                             Bush is charming and gets people to work together?
                             They said the same things about Bill Clinton.

                             What worries me is that we, as Americans, have so
                             little interest in the actual issues, that we judge our
                             most important election based on who we think we'd
                             like to have lunch with.

                             The teenage baby-sitter wasn't always the most
                             responsible one. The stern-looking hag often knew
                             best how to handle an emergency. There is a time to
                             worry which guy has a nicer laugh and a time to
                             worry which guy knows what he's talking about.

                             If you decide that's Bush, fine. If you decide that's
                             Gore, fine. I am not telling people how to vote.

                             I am suggesting that if we want a serious president,
                             we ought to be serious in our standards.

                             Contact MITCH ALBOM at 313-223-4581 or
                    Catch "Albom in the
                             Afternoon" 3-6 weekdays on WJR-AM (760).

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