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Pokerfest/Tequilafest 2006 Vegas

We're looking at Saturday, Sept 16th, but that's a trial balloon. If anyone knows a reason
why that weekend is bad (biggest convention of the year tripling room prices, etc) yell.

We're thinking a Pokerfest Tournament or two,( no chance of losing big) Saturday at The Palms.

If enough people sign up, we could rent a Fantasy Suite at The Palms.

Then a Tequilafest at the Hard Rock, where you can taste 1/4 shots of the best tequila in the world.
They have the biggest selection I've ever seen and great prices.

Don't play poker?
Don't drink?
That's OK.

You could do a little shopping... a thunderstorm - every 30 minutes.

What the hell - are you getting any younger?
Do you want to wait until you're old and your bones hurt to go to Vegas?

If you ever told yourself, "I really should go to one of those, sometime..."
...this is the one you want to go to.

Haven't you always wanted to go to Vegas?
Assuming you'll go once in your life, how about Sept 16th?

If the idea is a little imtimidating, why not go when a bunch of like-minded, 
Bush-bashing bartcoppers can party with you?  Woo Hoo!  Party in Vegas!

(Sadly, you won't get to hear a long speech from Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.)  

Seriously, this could be a really boring waste of time,

or   not :)

If you go, we'll play some poker, drink some tequila (or whatever)
see some sights and maybe even find time to talk a little politics.

Don't book your flights yet - this is a trial ballon that'll be solid in a week or so.

Details to come...


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