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Update Wednesday 6 PM
I have "pulled the trigger," this party is on!

The dude said if we can get a total of 40 people (just 15 more)
we can have an official "crib" that's brand new and much bigger
but we have to let them know before long or they'll sell out.

Shiite, the first fest in DC, we had over 200 people. The second fest, in Vegas, 
drew about 88 and we were getting less than half the hits we get today.
(That's where I met Tommy Mack, and my whole world changed)
We should be able to get at least half of the last crowd, right?.

I asked the Palms dude, "What happens if a poker game breaks out in our room?"
he said we can have the poker game in the Fantasy Suite, so we just saved everybody $25

He answered by saying, 
"Look, it's your room - this is Las Vegas - we don't care 
what you do in your room,"  which brings up other possibilities  :)

So c'mon, forget the family vacation this year - send them kids to the in-laws because 
Mom & Dad need a fun weekend in Vegas to decompress from all the Bush-induced stress.

We'll ask Tommy Mack to bring his recording equipment.
We could do a BCR Show during the party and let the guests speak!
We could do a live chat thing like we did four years ago from The Rio.
Possibilities are endless - it's Las Vegas and we are in control.

The Party is on, now we're just haggling over size :)

Update Wednesday Noon They've given us until tonight.
(Note: This update may change as the hours go by. If we get 30 to sign up,
 I'll put up a notice that we are full.)

I've heard "Count on me to be there" from dozens, but The Palms wants their money tonight
and for some strange reason, they won't accept my best intentions to hold the Fantasy Crib Suite.
We need another $1500 by tonight or we'll have to try this party another time - maybe election night :).

Sidebar: The Palms is one of the most exciting places in Vegas, and that's saying a lot,
but their web site is the worst I've ever seen, and that's saying a whole lot. 
Seriously, about half the time the page doesn't even come up.  Odd they don't fix that.
Maybe while we're there, one of you techies can pick up a $1000-a-week part-time job :).

But if we're going to make this work, you need to send your money today.
Paypal if you want in. 
By tonight, we need another fifteen sign-ups ($1500) to keep the room.
If you already have money in the mail,tell me and we'll count that.

(The weekend and my broken computer didn't help the sign-up process.)

Some people ask, "Why did you get such an expensive room?"
Well, I don't know of any inexpensive rooms in Vegas.
We can't just walk in some crowded Vegas bar on a Saturday night and say, "Party of 30, please."
And remember, the last room cost us $8500..$5000 so this time we're getting a great deal.

Today is our last chance to make this work.
So if you want in, it's $100 per ticket and we only have about 15 tickets left.
(Maybe they'll let us put 31 or 32 in the room, but I'd hate to tell a long-time pillar,
"Sorry, we're all sold out," because that'll be the end of that pillarship :)

If it doesn't work, no big deal, I'll refund your money and we'll try some other time.

Update late Monday.
If we can sign up 25 people (at $100 a ticket) by Tuesday night

we can get this place.

So if you're semi-interested, be checking here and your mailbox Monday-Tuesday.

If we don't get 25 people, we can always party in your room :)

Pokerfest/Tequilafest Sept 16, 2006 in Las Vegas

We start with a Texas Hold em Poker Tournament, ( no chance of losing big) Saturday at The Palms.


Then maybe a Tequilafest with samples of the best tequila on the planet

Don't play poker?
Don't drink?
That's OK.

You could do a little shopping... a thunderstorm - every 30 minutes.

What the hell - are you getting any younger?
Do you want to wait until you're old and your bones hurt before you go to Vegas?

If you ever told yourself, "I really should go to one of those, sometime..."
...this is the one you want to go to, especially if you fly free.

Haven't you always wanted to go to Vegas?
Assuming you'll go once in your life, how about Sept 16th?

If the idea is a little imtimidating, then go when a bunch of like-minded, 
Bush-bashing bartcoppers can party with you. Woo Hoo!  Party in Vegas!

(Sadly, you won't get to hear a long speech from Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.) 

Seriously, there are places to party in that town

If you go, we'll play some poker, drink some tequila (or whatever)
see some sights and maybe even find time to talk a little politics.

Don't book your flights yet - this is a trial ballon that'll be solid by Wednesday.

If you're in, I need to hear from you.


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