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Priests Raping in Helena, MT


Priests Raping in Chicago


Priests Raping in Miami


Priests Raping in El Paso, Again


Priests Raping in Tyler/Longview


Priests Raping in Boston, Maine, Albany


Priests Raping in Gallup, NM


Priests Raping in St. Paul


Priests Raping in Seattle, Again


Priests Raping in Menlo Park, CA


Priests Raping in LA and Italy


Priests Raping in Quebec


Priests Raping in Oakland


Priests Raping in Fairbanks


Priests Raping in Little Rock


63 Priests Raping in Louisville


Priests Raping in Atlanta


Priests Raping in Memphis


Jesuits Raping in Northwest


Priests Raping in Tucson


Priests Raping in Altoona


Priests Raping in Portland, Spokane


Priests Raping in Baltimore


Priests Raping in Hartford


Priests Raping in Milwaukee


Priests Raping in St. Louis


Priests Raping in Santa Barbara


He got caught, so they shipped him to...

Priests Raping in Las Vegas
where his rape spree continued

32 Priests Raping in New Orleans


Priests Raping in Orlando


Priests Raping in Ft. Worth


Priests Raping in Springfield
Doesn't matter which one - they're all raping kids


17 Priests Raping in Amarillo


Priests Raping in Palm Beach


Priests Raping in Sydney


Priests Raping in Montreal


Priests Raping in Cleveland


90 victims in Orange County


Priests Kiddie Porn in Kansas City


The list goes on and on - it never stops.

I found out something interesting.

Google, "sexual abuse and cover-up in the ______ diocese" and then put in ANY CITY,
you're going to get a hit because they're raping kids in every city where they have a franchise
and the organized serial rapists have franchizes all over the world.

Catholic defenders say, "There are always a few bad apples in the barrel."
You can read that list and say it's just a few bad apples?

Google ANY CITY and read how many of them were caught just lately.

How can anybody disagree that the Catholic Church is run by a pack
of organized, worldwide criminals whose primary goal is to molest little boys?

Not only that, but parents PAY THEM to molest their little boys.

Not anymore.

Tell your local diocese, "Not another time until this mess is cleaned up."


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