From: Christian Livemore
Subject: Thank-you note for quotes
Hey folks,
I just wanted to thank everybody who wrote in with their thoughts on
why BartCop kicks ass.
Everybody put a lot of time into it and the quotes were well thought
out and unique.
We also learned that BartCop has quite a broad audience.
We heard from teachers, students, college professors, doctors, engineers,
bus drivers, carpenters,
architects, homemakers, grandmothers, an astrologist, an archaeologist,
and a tomato farmer.
We heard from folks in Tennessee and California and Minnesota and Georgia
and Connecticut
and just about every state you can think of, not to mention other countries,
like England, Bosnia,
Canada and France to name a few.
So thanks for the input, everybody. This shows us that the liberal
community is larger than the mainstream media would have us believe,
and if we all work together, we can grow the BartCop hammer higher,
which will of course help us pass a literacy test whether we are a
or a her, which will in turn make it easier to put food on our families
and ask the seldom-asked question, Is our children learning.
A note for the future: If anybody wants to write in with ideas
publicity, please make note of my new e-mail address:
And remember, to quote one of the folks who wrote in:
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste on a Republican."