The Real
Joe Wilson
Found this while surfing the net about good old "You Lie" Wilson: Turns out he is a wannabe, that is, someone who
claims a combat record, but didn't get beyond the stateside
Sep-12-2009 12:00printcomments
Deferments Through 1972 then "Shepherded" into
Reserve Billet to Avoid Vietnam.
(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Joe Wilson, real name "Addison"
presents himself as a hard boiled combat veteran,
He belongs to "white supremacist" organizations,
fought hard to keep the Confederate flag in South Carolina and,
His real record is Vietnam. Born in 1947, Wilson
was prime material for the Vietnam War. After taking deferment
He quit in 1975 with the fall of Saigon and transferred to the National Guard where he was a Judge Advocate, a "lawyer." Wilson has one of the worst records in Congress,
having voted against Veteran funding 11 times. The only "veteran"
Though ending up with full health insurance and
a fat military retirement, Joe Wilson, like Senator Lindsay Graham,
This gives both Wilson and his good friend and
reportedly highest ranking gay officer in the US military, Lindsay Graham,
Wilson's opponent in the upcoming election is
Rob Miller, 13 year US Marine with 2 combat tours in Iraq.
Wilson, close friend and confidant of Fox Entertainment reality show host Glenn Beck is a strong advocate of private health care. In fact he received over $ 400,000 in political donations from the health care industry in support of his position. Insiders say that Beck helped stage the Wilson
"impromptu theater" during the Presidents address to Congress,
Wilson has spent a lifetime on the public payroll running his mouth while others have done the fighting. Much has been made of late about Wilson's ties
to White Supremest and neo-Klan groups. As one of the 7 legislators
What some of us would like to have seen established
is a biography that included military service during the Vietnam War
This tells me all I need to know. ================================================ Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and a regular
contributor to Veterans Today.
He is an outspoken advocate for veterans and his
powerful words have brought about change. Gordon is a lifelong PTSD sufferer
Sent in by Chuck Hovey
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