Is this an example of a typical BCR show?
No. We don't even know what a typical show will be yet.
All this is, is something besides "BCR is Coming Soon."
We're all very tired of hearing how BCR is
"just around the corner,"
so while this isn't what you'd call great work, maybe
you'll see some potential.
Also, these contain the new "Instant listen" technology, so the
clips start right away.
You pay nothing extra for that.
Click Here to listen to Part One, 23 minutes, which is mostly the "Hello" and the front page.
Click Here to listen to Part Two, Six Minutes, the Money Section.
Click Here to listen to Part Three, 22 Minutes, on Sports and Travel
Click Here to listen to Tally Briggs, 2 minutes, the Weather Vixen's report.
Visit her page at
I thought her piece was embedded in one of the sections, but there
have been so many remixes
and format conversions that my head is spinning, so I'm just
making sure it gets in the first show.
Click Here to listen to Part Four, 13 Minutes, Entertainment.
Click Here to listen to Part Five, 13 Minutes, the News