
Subject: Your silly rant on "let's Roll"

Now you have gone too far.
Did Todd Beamer copyright the phrase "let's roll"?
Did this somehow become restricted language and is now sacred utterance?

What if Todd Beamer said "Beam me up, Scottie"?
Would you then advocate the removal (finally) of the original Star Trek
because it would be sacrilegious to play it on the Sci-Fi channel?

I would not advocate going back in time, you nutty psycho.
I just don't think The Thief should be stealing that brave man's dying words.

Are you just reaching when you need space to fill your site?
Why don't you fill it with some constructive solutions to the topics you rant about?
Or don't you want solutions?

Please send a list of topics I've complained about where I didn't offer a solution.

You don't want an end to the corruption and the greed in the Government.
Your website would dry up and blow away.  Rush, for the windbag he is,
knows the more he inflames the liberals the more money he makes.
He is paid to say the most outrageous things.
I see that you are setting yourself up to be the next best thing for the liberals.

Actually, Bush pissed me off when he used that phrase in his Sept 20 speech.
He pissed me off again when he used it in the SOTU speech.
he pissed me off again Friday night when he used it a third time
and I had a few drinks in me so I let the rage fly.

...and your page, with all the intelligent, controlled anger and solutions is located at ....?

Just remember:  Republicans or Democrats.  Same shit, different piles.
David Allyn

Oh, now I get it.  You're one of Nader's Raiders.
No wonder you're so emotional...

You helped put Bush in office.


Subject: Re: Let's Roll


I couldn't agree more with your comments on the Moron in Thief using the phrase 'Let's Roll'.

The illegitimate bastard has now used it twice I'm aware of, in the SoU speech and again at the Olympics.
This is nothing short of sacrilege.  Like you said, Beamer knew his life was over, and didn't say it to draw
a round of applause.  He said it as a signal to the other heros on that plane to start their deadly actions.

I'm sickened every time I hear that pampered fraud use this phrase.  He's never  faced adversity
in his sheltered life and he's using a phrase uttered by a true hero.

Mrs. Beamer has been making the rounds of the conservative talk shows.  I'm afraid that she's become
just another whore shill for the illegitimate occupant of our White House.  If she doesn't raise the issue
that trivializing that phrase is disrespectful to the heros of that day,  then I'll know that she's been paid off.

Paul M. Nations

Paul, in a perfect world Mrs. Beamer wouldn't be exploited, but things aren't perfect.
I'll give her every break in the world, but now I hear she wants to trademark the phrase.

Of course, you can't do that any more than you can trademark "Good morning, " or "Howdy,"
but the crooked court might see fit to bend the laws to help her - who knows?

A shot of left-out-overnight Cuervo for Chevy using "Keep on Rolling" in their adds.
Yes, GM, we get your less-than-sutble message, you opportunistic bastards.

I've heard Weak & Stupid say it at least three times, but I'll bet he says it in every speech.
Like everything on this planet, he figures he has a right to claim it as his own.

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