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Subject: The Decider

   Colin Powell told the President, "If you break it, you buy it."   You broke it! And now, We're paying for it.
It's one thing to break somethin' and you know how to fix it, but what if you break something and DON'T ?
Iraq, Mr. President is of your own breaking and you're not fixin' it.  You claim to be "The Decider" when it
comes to makin' a tough call, and you decided to do Iraq.  As The Decider, how have you decided to fix it?

   Mr. President you missed and let slip by a wonderful opportunity to show off your ability as a decider,
just over a year ago.  We've yet to see the results from your decisions concerning Katrina.  Of course you
didn't break the Gulf Coast, Katrina did that.  That tradgey was  yours, just waitin' for the fixin',
and you decided to give us (US) "Heckofajob Brownie."  And, it's still busted.

   Most U.S. presidents that have distinguished themselves have done so by the accomplishments resulting
from their decisions, i.e., Lincoln or Roosevelt and others.  Mr. President why did you decide to go after
Saddam and not Bin Laden? gain,  you didn't break the Twin Towers, but Bin Laden gave you a perfect
opportunity to show our country your leadership abilities . . . what happened?

   And what of the other things that you claim needs fixin'  such as social security, health care, education,
energy and immigration that you've been deciding upon these past six years.  Your decisions haven't resulted
in even one successful repair to any of these vital national concerns.

   I'm appalled that as President, and your Christian-self,  has decided that you need more torture power,
such as "waterboarding" to keep us safe.  Please don't decide to do that in my name….

Toture is immoral!  As is lying.

You have stated that the US didn't/hadn't/doesn't rendition detanees to secret prisons to parts of the world
that does torture.  Now we learn that in fact you have knowledge that a Canadian was renditioned to
Neo-islamic-fascist Syria.  Did you lie or just "decide" not to tell the truth.  You have claimed that the US
does not torture, but then decide to defend the use of "waterboarding" as an important tool used by the CIA,
to help keep us safe from terrorists.

As the "DECIDER" there has now been a total of 2695 Americans killed as a result of your decisions.
Please step back or aside and let the American voter, this coming November, make the important decisions
concering our country. We need a "FIXER" not a "DECIDER."

Earl Rowley

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