Subject: my two cents
- by Rude Rich
Once again I'll advise you not to talk about music.
It's bad enough you think people should live
The only people who SHOULD live in Oklahoma are
the Israelis, but then,
they couldn't fight for their lives everyday
if they lived here so what fun would that be?
...but now we find that you freak out at
the very sight of a pedal steel.
What Chrissie did borders on false advertising.
I only wish I had bought that Fender 10 string
steel back around 1975 for a hundred bucks
when I had the chance. I probably could
have played something on it by now.
Of course, you didn't catch the guys name. It
was probably the guy who played on Elvis Costello's fantastic country album know....whats his name. He was great.
For all you know, she probably did songs from that album.
She said the dude was from Minnesota and he seemed
quite capable on that steel guitar.
Gee, I wonder why she didn't hire a good jug
player, too?
BTW...I wouldn't live in Sadaam's palace if you
transported it to that Oklahoma place and let me live in it for free.
Pipe said he'd rather live in a NY alley than
a fine home in OK and *I* am not thinking clearly?
Stu the lawyer is paying $1.5M to visit the MOMA
as often as he wants - and *I* am not thinking clearly?
Ya know....people have been traveling around this
country for a very long time and not very many of them have said
"Let's settle here. It looks cheap." when they
got to Oklahoma. No....they all said "Someday people will call this fly-over
country because there's NOTHING HERE!!!" and
they moved on to L.A or NY or Florida, even Texas looked better.
I'd rather sleep in car 40 miles from NY than
a mansion in Oklahoma (and if the economy doesn't pick up I may be doing
just that).
There you go again.
Perhaps I've painted a too-vivid picture of Oklahoma,
but you can go on thinking the United States means three.
Here's one reason why. A few years ago we went
to the Bottom Line ( a club in NYC) to see Vernon Reid with a little
jazz thing he has on the side, when he's not
busy with Living Colour. He's one of the planets best guitarists
whom you've
barely heard of BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HIT
OKLAHOMA ALL THAT MUCH. Anywho.....we walk to our seats
near the stage before the show and we see a pedal
steel onstage. I'm like "Great, we're gonna hear a hot country band."
10 minutes later Robert Randolph walks out and
starts doing Hendrix and Allman Bros. stuff on the thing. Blew me the
fuck away. I'm a fan forever. When he came out
to jam with Reid later, it was pure heaven. Do a little youtube search.
Be the first in your neighborhood to ever have
heard of him. He plays gospel on Sundays in a church in Paterson, NJ
with the same band. Seems that there is a tradition
in poor black churches of using a pedal steel instead of the more
expensive Hammond organ. Also do youtube search
on that subject. If my parents church sounded like that, I'd still be going.
If Vernon Reid wants to play Jersey all his life
- good for him.
Some musicians find a national tour is fun
I only wish Chrissie had whipped out a little
country when I saw them at Roseland a few years ago.
That's crazy talk - so let me ask you a question:
Say you're in the mood for a shoot'em up Clint Eastwood movie, but after
you pay
you find out it's not Dirty Harry but a Nathan
Lane musical. Do you tell yourself,
"Gee, I should broaden my horizons?" or
do you ask for your money back?.
That's another little club in NYC. There are so
many clubs in NYC, I'll bet I could pick up the paper right now
and find a band I'd like to see. Any night of
the week. How's that work in Tulsa? I also wish the Who would throw
in a little pedal steel. They may already
of your more knowledgable readers would know.
You are a strange person.
I have a feeling if I said, "I like the number
seven," you'd find 100 things wrong with seven
and praise the number eight and explain what
a backwards fool I was for liking seven.
Aside from Hank Williams and The Mick, what has
Oklahoma given us, besides dust and a decent musical?
How about a web page you can't resist reading
every day?
How about super-cheap tequila and fresh corn
to die for?
How about Mrs Bart?
One other smell do you figure Jay
Leno got fired when he's moving
into the 10PM spot five nights a week? Do you
even have a 10PM out there?
No, Okie clocks go from 9 straight to 11.
What do you call it when your employer says,
"Starting March 2, don't come to work,
NBC is in such trouble, they needed someone to
plug their 10PM hole every night.
P.S. The nice voters of Pennsy voted Santorum
OUT OUT OUT!!! How about Inhofe?
Congrats - that's your first valid point.
P.S.S Another thing that will never happen in
Oklahoma? One of Bon Jovi's record company execs will never
call your cab company to drive him to Philly
and he won't be giving you his back stage laminate to bring home
to your wife like he did to me tonight. Bon Jovi
was playing a gig for his fan club in a club in his hometown
of Sayreville, NJ. Does Clint Black live out
Bon Jovi takes cabs to neighboring states?
25 years in show business and he can't afford
a car?
Must be those hyper-inflated real estate prices.
P.S.S.S. You might also want to youtube Junior
Brown. He likes pedal steel so much
he added one to his Telecaster. Check out "409"
with the Beach Boys.
P.S.S.S.S. You're such a douche.
Always great to hear from a fan.
BTW, I'm happy that you're happy paying $3,000 to rent a 200-year old
room the size of a refrigerator.
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