
Subject:  Russert eats my balls

  Russert outdid his whore self today when he had on a couple crew members from the spy plane.
He was just CRAVEN in trying to pry out of them some horrid revelation of Chinese atrocities.
The bastard sat there and asked them if the Chinese made an aggressive armed boarding of the plane.
So he tries again.

"Were you scared for you life?"
"It crossed my mind, but no."

"Did they force you out of the plane at gunpoint?"

"Did you feel threatened??"
"No, not really."

"Did they keep you up for hours on end interrogating you and attempting to brainwash you?"
(yes, the asshole actually used the word "brainwash.")

"Um, no."

"Were the conditions unbearable?"
"Well, kind of, until we asked them for Coke with our meals and coffee with breakfast, which they promptly brought us."

"But did they try to make you say anti-American things and brainwash you?"
"No, they wanted to know what happened and then they later tried to get apologies,
but we'd already talked to our commander and he'd told us what to say."

  Russert just won't let go, he's like a pit bull or Kenny Starr, refusing to let go of a treasured premise... he continued...
"Did they tell you that you'd never see your loved ones again?"

(At this point I almost shot my TV!)

  "No, we knew we'd be going home soon, but just didn't know exactly when.
They did mention at one point that we might go before a court or whatever it is over there before we left."

Russert at this point sprouts an almost visible boner and leaps on this..

"SO! The THREATENED you and said you would be put on trial!!" 
"Well, not really, they just mentioned that might happen."

 One of the crew, who I've seen a couple times now, whenever he's on camera starts spouting off
about the baby Jesus and thanking God for everything, which I presume includes spying on other nations.
He of course said that without his faith in God and the good ol' USA, he might not have held up under the strain.
This guy sounds like he'd hang himself if he had to do a month in the county jail!

Russert of course thanked them in an emotional way and said how grateful he was for their service to our country.
(This makes me wonder if my status in the world would skyrocket if I only got myself held in fairly comfortable
conditions for a couple weeks)

  Then, incredibly, at the beginning of the next segment with Homewrecker Hyde, Russert, totally ignoring the fact
that he'd not brought out ANY evidence of rough treatment, said,
"WELL! It sounds like things were a lot rougher than we thought over there!"

    I swear to Koresh, I have this taped, and I'm going to save it.
That way if I accidentally drink some poisonous substance,
I can quickly pop in that tape and bring it all back up.
Russert is better than ipecac syrup! God, what a tool!


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