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Rush helps Bush devide America
  by Leigh

Limbaugh embodies and encourages in U.S. citizens a CULT OF HATRED such as 
characterized the German Nazi regime of the 1930s.  If you Limbaugh-Lickers are not 
familiar with Goering, Goebbels, Himmler, and Hess, you might research their biographies.

In that infamous era - a true low point in human history - HATRED, PREJUDICE, and 
INTOLERANCE generated  a deadly, DIVISIVE environment that paved the way to, 
among other catastrophes, the Holocaust.  Some few of you with 8th-grade or better 
educations recall that millions of otherwise ordinary German citizens helped kill or turned
their collective backs on the numerous atrocities and murderous concentration camps in their 
midst.  The Nazis and their willing supporters directed their intolerance toward Jews, Gypsies,
Bolsheviks, the ill, the crippled, the disabled, homosexuals, writers, artists, journalists, and 
of course all others who opposed or tried to escape Nazi ideology andpersecution.

Sound like some folks you know?

Ignorant, semi-literate, ill-educated, racist, prejudiced, bigoted,hypocritical, low-self-esteem 
fans and followers of Rush Limbaugh and his low-road "philosophy" are today's hate-mongers
- right here in the United States!  And these people - you, perhaps? -  have helped your 
White House war criminal and his close friends - Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. drag 
America into the political and religionist sewer in which it now wallows!  
A country divided!  A nation loathed!

No longer a justifiably proud nation, no longer the world leader for liberty, freedom, justice, 
and tolerance - our nation now is reviled throughout the world for its cruel and belligerent 
"preemptive" foreign policy and  racist and greedy economic hegemony, all driven by FEAR.
The U.S. today is a BULLY!  Thanks to Limbaugh and his ilk.  And you, maybe?

Limbaugh's incredibly mean-spirited and cruel criticism of Michael J. Fox is but the latest 
example of cowardice and low-life criticism in his many years of  boastful intolerance, 
xenophobia and animosity directed at individuals and foreigners, racial groups, and those 
with religious, cultural and social differences, and even those with infirmities and disabilities.

His is a CULTURE OF HATE!  This posture, of course, is how the Nazis "united" Germans 
against their perceived enemies (non-Germans) and began the most horrible war in human history. 
Just tell and repeat the BIG LIE and go after any dissenters!

So, Limbaugh-buddies.  Welcome to the U.S. National Rightist Club of Hatred, the NRCH.  
Like good little Nazis, you support your Fuehrer well, for which may you reap your just rewards


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