Subject: Sarah needs your help Bart, time is running out. Since the first frivolous ethics charges were
filed against Sarah Palin two years ago,
Maybe, but Sarah's made $14M
since quitting her job.
Last year, friends of the family set up the Alaska
Fund Trust to help pay legal fees.
You mean Sarah's lawyers have no idea what they're
But now -- because Governor Palin used the word
"official" -- an independent counsel decided that
Funny you'd mention that the whistle-blowers were
Funds donated to the Alaska Fund Trust were immediately frozen until the legal challenge was sorted out. Sounds like a reasonable and prudent move.
Governor Palin has now agreed to send the money
back to the donors.
You mean Miss Independent might have to pay her
own legal fees?
Will you stand with Governor Palin and help her pay her legal fees? Click here to make a donation. I think Sarah should show us some at that "rugged independence" she's always bragging about. On June 24, 2010 a new legal defense fund -- The
Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund --
It would've been cheaper to do it legally the
first time.
We set up the new fund to cover the Palin's legal
bills for past, present, and future attacks.
...who are likely super-rich Republicans - why don't they pay her legal bills? Let's help Governor Palin with this incredible
burden that no citizen should have to bear
A. "Ttrue citizens" don't get paid $100K to read
someone else's speech attacking The Kenyan.
Will you help us relieve Governor Palin of this burden? Her burden of having $14M with "hundreds of thousands
in legal fees?"
Please donate today to The Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund. Please kiss my ass, you swindler. Bart, as a supporter of Governor Palin, help us
with the legal fees
But you already said an "independent panel" found
her actions outside the law.
Yours truly, Tim Crawford
Tell you what I'm gonna do.
Instead of writing you a big, fat check, I'm gonna say a prayer for Sarah. You guys always say that works better than money, anyway.