Well Shu-baby, you claim not to be a GOP Apologist,
but then go on to make excuses for all the GOP
Presidents. You continue to make the Right Wing argument that
Presidents don't matter. Gore said that
Prosperity was on the line during the last Election. I say he
was right. You seem to say that it didn't
matter, that Clinton is responsible for this Recession and that Bush
& the other 5 GOP Presidents just
suffered a run of bad luck. If that's not Right Wing Propaganda,
I don't know what is.
Markets and Managers are always looking ahead.
When planning their budgets they take into account
who the President will be. Just as the Clinton Boom began the
week that Perot dropped out of the 92 race
and Clinton moved ahead in the polls, this Recession started last summer
when Bush got the GOP
nomination and moved 20 points ahead in the polls. You will remember,
the Stock Market recovered a little
when Gore was nominated and the polls closed. Truman's
so-called Recession happened while everyone
was certain that Dewey would be the next President. As soon as
Truman had won; the Economy roared
Blame Carter and the Federal Reserve is the
typical Reagan/Bush1 excuse. The Federal Reserve is a
Private Corporation owned by the Major Banks. Money is their
Product, Interest and Fees are their Price
and Inflation is their Cost of Production. Like any Private Corporation
they always seek to maximize their
profits. Of course, they are a Monopoly and it's the President's
responsibility to block any abuse ( as
Reagan did not). It is also the President's responsibility (as
you admit that Clinton did & (Read my Lips)
Bush did not) to make it in their interest to keep their prices
If the Reagan/Bush/Casey campaign had
not committed treason and conspired with the Iranians to keep
the Hostages, Carter would have been re-elected and a very different
Economic Plan would have passed in '81.
One very similar to the Clinton Plan might have emerged and the Prosperity
of the '90s might have happened sooner.
Carter would not have stood by and let Vollker abuse the Fed's monopoly
Your assertion that the Bush1 Recession was
mild and short says that you were as out of touch as he was.
Unemployment went to 7% (even after data changes that took people off
the rolls) and it only ended with Bush's
departure. Eisenhower's entire term of little growth didn't include
activity in the Black Community. The statistics
of the day did not fully represent it. Unemployment was much worse
than published.
If the Bush Brothers, Katherine Harris
and Unjustice Scalia had not stolen this past election, a very different
Economic plan would have passed. One stressing Environmental
and Energy Conservation Technology like
Hybrid Cars was likely. There would have been no energy crisis
and very possibly no WTC and definitely no recession.
No matter what the Stock Market Touts
will try to tell you, there will be no recovery this year. There
nothing that Bush has proposed that will lead us out. The Defense
and Homeland Security spending will
help, but they are not Investments that will produce a Return in the
Future. The Bush2 Economy will run
between 0 & 1% until some Oil Price spike or Terrorist Strike drives
it back into Recession. Jr's predicted
$24 Billion deficit for this year will be over $100 Billion, rising
to more than $200 Billion by 2004 when Fed
rate hikes will push us back into Recession. Bush
will invade Iraq to try to distract the Electorate and
survive to the 2004 Election.
So, we still don't have the answer:
Why do all Republican Presidents have devastating Recessions?
Just bad luck, doesn't expain 6 in a row.
That is a consistant pattern that must have some underlying cause.
Could it be that their entire Faith Based, Free Market, 19th Century
Economic view is wrong?
And everytime it is applied, it fails.
Presidents do matter