Proof before war
   by BartCop

 I should've thought of this earlier, and this idea has probably come up before,
 but why should we think bin Laden is guilty of this monstrous bombing campaign?

 Because the press says so?
 Did the press suddenly become trustworthy?

 The American press will print any and all stories that Karl Rove tells them to print.
 This is the same press that said George W. Bush was qualified to run this country and that Al Gore was a serial liar.
 They knew both stories were false, but they printed them anyway.

 The American press is made up of money-driven liars and whores.
 They have no sense of fairness or honesty - at all.

 Why should we believe anything they're telling us now?
  I saw a big headline in yesterday's USA Today:

 In New Type of War, Public Will Recieve Little News
 Military says Secrecy Vital

  If I had a staff or more time, these figures could be trusted, but haven't they already
 "sent" 50 billion to Europe to shore up international banking?

 Did that really happen?
 Or is $50 billion simply "missing?"

 What they seem to be saying is:
 "We need tens of billions of your tax dollars, but we're not at liberty
    to say what we're doing with it or where that money is going. Trust us."

 Trust us?
 From a gang that stole the election?

 Gee, that's almost scary.

 I think we're seeing why Dick Cheney left a multi-million dollar a year job.
 His new job deals in billions, not mere millions.
 And what they're doing with that money is a secret?
 By the way, whose money is that?

 And this secret war may take years and years and years?

 Let me guess: A strong military defense will depend on having an oil industry
 that is vital and financially sound, right?

 we're going to bail out Europe with $50B (maybe)
 we're going to give the airlines $25 billion in the next days or weeks,
 we're going to beef up our military big-time (even though we're fighting an enemy who lives in a cave)
 we're going to strengthen Social Security and Medicare for the elderly,
 we're going to have that trillion dollar tax cut for the super-rich,
 while we watch Bush's economy spiral into a recession (if we're lucky) and a depression if we're not,

 Oh, and none of this will cause budget deficits, either, right?

 I need a drink.

 Oh, it gets worse, too.

 John Ashcroft is going to figure out which of the Bill of Rights are "too restrictive."
 If Ashcroft gets increased powers to tap phones and follow suspects, I guarantee he'll resume
 the Clinton Zipper Crusade and he'll be following gays, liberals and civil rights leaders because,
 in Ashcroft's opinion, "everyone knows those people can't be trusted."

 We can't trust a religiously-insane man to protect us from other religiously-insane men.

 The press is in Bush's pocket and they're printing every lie that Karl Rove feeds them,
 and the trembling Democrats have capitulated on almost every issue.

 If it wasn't for the woefully under-financed websites and the British press,
 we wouldn't even get a glimpse of the truth.

 Shouldn't we insist on seeing Bush's evidence before the first shot is fired?
 And if they say, "It's too secret, we can't show you,"
 then we'll know that America is really being hijacked by the Bush Family Evil Empire.

 Like Prescott Bush taught them in World War II,
 if you back both sides in a war you're always going to win.

 <Anybody have an idea how we could get this ball rolling?>

 Mr President,
 We want to see the proof  BEFORE  the first shot is fired.
 We want to see the proof  BEFORE  the first American life is lost.
 We want to see the proof  BEFORE  the first American POW is tortured.

 So far, you've said these crimes "have bin Laden's fingerprints."
 You've said, "bin Laden is the prime suspect."

 That's not good enough, Mr. President.
 I suggest you keep your weapons holstered until you have solid proof of his guilt
 and then show it to every American so we can stand behind you in the coming war.

 When you have obtain this proof, please have one of your competent aides,
 such as Cheney, Rumsfeld or Powell, explain the proof on live TV.
 Then post the details on the White House web site, for our close examination.

 ...and if you claim the proof is "too secret to share,"
 then we will insist on your resignation  or  we will impeach you.

 Proof  before War.

 We insist, Mr. President.

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