Can we skip these votes right here?
Can we stop them, calm my fears?
What do you mean Al Gore has more?
This is not fair, go bar the door!
Let's toss the votes from all old geysers.
I want the White House, so I can have more leisure.
Stop, let's stop--the state is mine!
Stop, make 'em stop, it's party time!
What Constitution? The people be damned!
Quit that right now, The Shrub, I am!
I am the boy, the best boy of my Mama's
I called my dad and said, "You promised!"
I am ahead, so y'all can quit.
My brother's governor--and that's it!
I signed a law to recount in Texas,
But I'm ahead, so forget that message.
That "every vote counts," that's just a sham.
Because I said so. The Shrub I am!
I'm taking this office, game's over I said.
I want my turn with the Lincoln bed.
I'm taking my ball and bound for D.C.
Votes don't matter. It's money, you see.
Now stop right here. No need for more.
Trust the people? Hell, they went for Gore.
What's a few hundred thousand? I'm the man!
I trust the money, the Shrub, I am!
Can we stop 'em with Big Bad Kit?
Can we stop 'em with a big loud fit?
How can they take back what I stole?
Don't trust those people--hell, they're too old!
Y'all better stop counting here and now.
My dad'll get mad and he might howl!
Stop counting, I say. The people be damned.
Or I'll have to get drunk, the Shrub I am.
Let's stop 'em right now in the courts.
If they keep counting, I'll come up short.
I bought this office! It's mine, I say.
My brother's the governor--call it a day.
Who cares about the people's will?
I'm special! I'm chosen! I'm fancier than Bill!
Stop counting now while I'm able to stand
I'm not so stupid, the Shrub I am!
I'm born to lead, my Mom's best son.
I'm rich and fun and can tie one on.
I've got rich friends who have "connections,"
If I don't win, they'll give "directions".
Al and Joe, oh sure they're smart
But they just were not born for the part.