Since Bush became president...

The economy has gone to hell
Millions of people have lost their jobs
Millions of families lost half of their life savings
Millions of about-to-retire seniors have had to keep working
The stock market has gone down like Paula Jones
We donated a spy plane from the future to China, and begged their forgiveness
   saying we were "sorry," "very sorry," then "very, very sorry," for getting shot down.
   Meanwhile, President Weak & Stupid wondered if those fighting men had Bibles...
Enron fat cats were driving one of our submarines and murdered nine Japanese kids
Bush declared a war against "terra," that will last until the Treasury is completely empty
Bush said we have to invade Iraq and topple Saddam, but can't explain why
You can't get on an airplane these days without a Federal reach-around
The US Constitution says whatever Ashcroft and the alcoholic says it says
There's a secret, shadow government in place that we're not allowed to ask about
The press has turned into full-time Bush glorificators
Clinton continues to be blamed for everything from Pearl Harbor to the Pompeii eruption.
Democratic Senators keep falling out of the sky
September 11th happened after Dim Son took another month-long vacation
India and Pakistan almost got into a nuclear exchange
North Korea is threatening us with nuclear blackmail

 ...and we have the stupidest president in history.

 ...and the only thing Bush's paid-for whores in the American media want to focus on is,
 "Who was that mystery blonde caught talking to Bill Clinton at that party in Manhattan?"

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