Subject: The single bullet theory
fails for more than one reason
Bart, the single bullet theory fails for more
than one reason. A simple examination of the Zabruder film
shows Kennedy reacting to the shot that went
through his neck. While he is reacting, Connely can be seen
turning around to see what is happening, supposedly
a second or two after a bullit passed through him
smashing into his wrist bone and lodging in his
It takes nothing but common sense and an open
mind to see the obvious. As for your reader who asserted
that the Parkland Hospital Doctors said that
the fatal shot came at the rear of Kennedy's head, that was just plain
The Parkland Doctors described damage at the
front parietal portion of the brain at the opening press conference.
They were forced to stop saying that later on.
It didn't jibe with the "autopsy" report.
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