As military advisor to bartcop.com, I feel that there is a need to send
response to you and Asst. EIBU Prof. Peter "rachael@wnonline.net"
In his letter, the good prof discusses the virtue of an armed citizenry
as a safeguard against
tyranny and oppression of government. The guns = freedom equation was
very quaint.
Setting aside the writings of Madison and Hamilton in the Federalist
Papers (see Nos. 8 and 29)
regarding the topic, there are some practical and pragmatic arguments
that should be aired.
First, I'd like to point out that when the Brown Bess muzzle loading
was the ultimate small arms systems of the revolutionary war. In this
an armed populace could indeed compete on a reasonably even playing
Contrast that with today's weapons system. Most modern military/paramilitary
are armed with extremely capable automatic weapons system. These weapons
tend to
be very reliable, light weight and accurate. For example the H&K
MP-5 weighs slightly
over 2.5 kilos and is capable of emptying it's 30 9mm rounds in less
than 2 seconds.
Contrast that with the venerable Winchester Model 70. It weighs well
over 3.5 kilos and
is capable of delivering 3 shots in 2 seconds. Now seriously,
who's going to win that battle?
Second, there is the training aspect of the situation. In the revolution,
military forces were
trained to fight in compact formations in order to generate enough
firepower to actually
cause enough casualties to frighten their enemy. The carnage was simply
trivial compared
to the capabilities of a modern fighting force.
As an example of the capabilities of a modern fighting force, trained
specifically to deal with
the rigors of modern fighting, lets look at Mogadishu, Somalia. A civilian
force of thousands,
armed with modern automatic weapons (AK-47/74s) and grenade launchers
took on an incompetently lead force of 120 US Rangers supported by
a handful of Delta
commandos. At the end of a days fight, the trained force of less than
150 men killed or
wounded an estimated 7,000 (our number) to 15,000 (their number) of
the enemy at a
loss of 17 friendly KIAs and around 80 WIA.
Seriously now, how long do you think it would take a squad of soldiers
to take out a bunch
of hopped up hicks with hunting rifles. The good professors formula
is actually ...
Firearms in the hands of a rabble + armed and trained enemy = dead rabble.
The best that the citizen army could hope for is a guerilla action consisting
of assassination
and ambush. Good luck winning a war that way.
The bottom line, the idea that the second amendment was intended to
allow an armed citizenry
to safeguard itself against tyranny is pure bullshit. The amendment
guaranteed the states, in possession
of a their own militia (made up of citizen SOLDIERS), capable of being
armed with modern weapons
and organized into a military force, would safeguard it's citizens.
The point bc makes is also one that needs to be assessed. His point
regarding home defense is well taken.
Although killing an intruder can be argued as excess force, the desire
to safeguard one's family is of
paramount importance. However, the choice of weapons is critical.
I believe BC's choice of weapons is the Glock Model 20. This is a very
capable weapon in the hands
of an expert. However, for the general population, I'd recommend the
Winchester Model 1300 Defender
with the pistol grip option. The advantage of the pump action shot
gun is ease of use, reliability and when
you fire down the hallway, the entire target area will be saturated
with shot as opposed to 1 to 15 10mm
rounds from the Glock.
Also, the "chunk-chunk" sound of a round being chambered by the pump
is enough to send any would be
intruder into panicked flight. Finally, it is unlikely that the shotgun
rounds will penetrate an exterior wall of
yours and your neighbors house, and lodge in the cranium of that neighbor
while they rest peacefully in their bed.
This cannot be said for the Glock.
The bottom line on firearms is that they are here to stay. The banning
of all weapons is simply not possible
in a country as crazy as ours. What we, the liberal types, need to
do is reassure the gun nuts (they are, by
definition a paranoid and insecure lot) that we are not going to take
their guns away from them. Once a level
of trust is secured, we can work together to insure that the guns are
used in a safe and legal manner by ....
1) establishing training
programs for safe operations
2) insuring safe ammunition
and gun storage practices are instituted
3) license gun owners (not
the guns) to insure that criminals don't have ready access to weapons,
4) and finally, banning
at the point of manufacture/import weapons (the "Streetsweeper" for example),
accessories (night scopes, Kevlar vests, etc.), and, in particular, ammunition
(Teflon coated, mercury
core for example) which have no practical hunting or sporting use.
There is common ground if one chooses to look for it.