To prepare yourself for Bush's
State of the Union Speech,
you'll need to gather up the following regular, round-the-house
A roll of 3M invisible tape,
preferably one-inch wide.
a pair of large safety scissors
a large piece of white cardboard
a large magic marker, a Sharpie
if you have one
a small camera, preferably digital
One bottle of Chinaco
Anejo 100% pure blue agave tequila
Open the Chinaco
and pour two and a half ounces into a small brandy snifter
Swirl, savor and take the smallest
sip possible of the Chinaco - mere drops is best.
Ride the flavor sensation to
Heaven. Repeat
Take the scissors and cut a
piece 20 inches by 12 inches
(If you're a spaz, cut the cardboard before you
ingest the drops of Chinaco.
Swirl, savor and take the smallest
sip possible of the Chinaco - mere drops is best.
Ride the flavor sensation to
Heaven. Repeat
Use the Sharpie and write the
following text on the cardboard in block letters:
He is lying.
He is NOT the President.
He is an imposter, installed by a crooked
His presidency was purchased - like some
damn baseball team.
He is a war-loving fool who went AWOL
during wartime.
He cannot speak, he cannot think, ...but
he's very confident.
He can't chew a pretzel unless another
adult is nearby.
He lied when he swore to uphold the Constitution
help me God."
He cannot be trusted.
His bungling gave New York a new skyline.
His greed cost tens of millions of Americans
their retirement funds
He turned Clinton's paradise into a never-ending
world war.
He is lying.
He's NOT the president.
Swirl, savor and take the smallest
sip possible of the Chinaco - mere drops is best.
Ride the flavor sensation to
Heaven. Repeat
Use the 3M tape to affix the
sign above or below the Illegal Usurper's TV image when he speaks.
Take a picture of the
sign while President Slovik is speaking.
Send two pictures of your
NOT the President" sign to
Prize for Best Photo is Susan McDougal's book
Prize for Best Photo is any one thing from The
BartCop Store
Prize for Best Photo is a pound of chocolate from
But hurry - the Fraud's lies are this Tuesday night